The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,95


Tears formed in my eyes from fear, shame, and exhaustion. I could only nod my understanding because his hold on my jaw was so painful.

I could only stare at him as his jaw clenched with controlled fury while he decided what to do with me. If he walked out, and left me to my own devices, I’d deserve it. But with him standing between my legs, his hand holding me captive, and his eyes burning hate into mine, my body didn’t want him to leave.

The tears spilled in utter, desolate, humiliating, lustful shame.

Chapter 13


She was driving me out of my goddamn mind.

One minute I was enraged over two lowlife fucks daring to threaten her, the next I’m wanting to kill her myself.

But, then, the minute after that, everything south of my waistband was hardening at the vision she presented dressed in practically nothing, her legs spread to accommodate my body, her fingers holding onto the table so tight, they were white-knuckled.

My dick was rock hard, and I let her know it.

I stepped farther into her space and my dick pressed against her center. Robbie let out a faint whimper and I knew I was fucked.

We were fucked.

The worst part was she kept impressing me. She was caught up in a mess of her ex-boyfriend’s making, and she was scared, but she wasn’t cowering. She was facing all of it head-on. I couldn’t help but admire her courage, even if it drove me to the brink of violence.

My hand followed the same pattern it did the night I saw her parked on the side of the road and trailed down her neck until I had one of those heavy fucking tits crushed in my palm.

Robbie closed her eyes and moaned, and that was my undoing.

I slammed my lips down on hers, and she opened for me immediately.

Our lips fought.

Our tongues battled.

I could feel her nipples harden through her flimsy tank top and I knew I needed them in my mouth. I broke off the kiss and kissed a path down her neck to her impressive cleavage. I looked down and saw that both her nipples were hard and peeking out for attention.

My eyes flew to hers, and she was looking at me with lust, confusion, and wariness swirling around in her big brown eyes.

She wanted this, but she didn’t want to want this.

Welcome to my world, baby.

Normally, I’d take what was offered to me without any logistics. I knew what women wanted when they approached me, and women knew exactly what I was offering. But this was different.

Robbie was different.

No matter how much she might want me physically, I knew she didn’t like me as a person in general. Therefore, I needed her absolute permission before I went any further. Consent was a must with any woman, but more so with this one.

“Tell me you want this,” I demanded, though it was supposed to be a question.


I shook my head. “No,” I said, stopping her. “It’s either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, Robbie. No in between. No doubt.” I took my hand off her chest. “If you have any doubt, any at all, the answer’s no.”

“I…I’m sure,” she lied. Her hands grabbed the lapels of my suit jacket. “I’m sure.”

I didn’t believe her.

I knew she wasn’t sure.

I felt it.

But I also knew if I walked away from her right now, she’d feel humiliated and rejected. I knew if I walked away, she’d believe every horrible word I’ve said to her about her sexuality. I couldn’t do that to her. Especially not after being the one who started this. But I also knew I wasn’t going to fuck her. Until she was one-hundred percent certain she wanted me, I wasn’t going to take what she was offering only to have her regret it in the morning.


I had bigger plans for Roberta Regal.

Instead of filling my palm with her tit again, I ran it up her bare thigh until it disappeared in the loose opening of her shorts. I wished with everything I had that I could replace my hand with my mouth, but Robbie wasn’t ready for that.

My fingers found her wet center and I took a deep breath through my nose. If I couldn’t taste her, I wanted to, at least, smell her. I never broke eye contact as two of my fingers found their way inside her panties and then into her sleek, tight body.

She closed her eyes and her head dropped back. Robbie let out the sweetest moan and Copyright 2016 - 2024