The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,94

that was going on, I hardly considered it a threat anymore. It felt more like a reprieve.

“When I got off work last night, two guys approached me in the back of Brighton Steak House,” I said, starting the story. “I’d never seen them before, but they knew who I was.”

“From Randy, I take it.”

“Yeah, from Randy.” Now that Ciro had given me some room, I sat on the table thinking that it gave me more of an advantage in height. I didn’t like how Ciro’s presence dominated my little house. Sitting on the table make me feel taller.

Stupid, I know.

“They said they knew who I was and that I dated Randy. They went on to let me know they believed he was dead and by…unlawful means.” Ciro’s brow went up but that’s the only reaction I got. “They told me Randy had a box of theirs, and they wanted me to find it for them.”

“Robbie, I need you to listen carefully, okay?” I nodded. “I need you to tell me, word for word, everything they said. I also need exact, detailed descriptions of both men. Every word and every detail, Robbie.”

I let out a tired sigh but did as he asked. I even mentioned how polite they were. I told him how we planned to meet up on Tuesday. And I told him how I search every nook and cranny of my house, which led me to that conversation with Phoenix. “I was hoping…I don’t know, that maybe in a haze of pain, or something, he might have blurted it out.” Hearing me say the words out loud made me realize how stupid the idea had been. Desperation really does lead to stupidity. “I…d…don’t know. I was…grasping at straws when I called earlier.”

“And you’ve never seen this box?” he asked and, for once, I knew he wasn’t trying to be insulting.

“No,” I answered honestly. “But…Randy didn’t include me much in his…extracurricular activities.” Shame coated my next words, but they were the truth. “Towards the end, he only really came around when he wanted money, a place to pass out, or…to see me.”

Ciro smirked, and it reeked of revulsion. “You mean he only came around when he wanted to fuck you, right?”

“Whether he was a jerk or not, he was my boyfriend,” I replied through clenched teeth. “It wasn’t unreasonable for him to expect sex from me.”

“Was it unreasonable for you to expect more from your boyfriend that to be an ATM, a motel, and a warm hole?”

Had he been standing closer to me, I would have slapped him again.

“Screw you, Ciro,” I hissed. “My relationship with Randy is none of your business.”

“Then why am I here?” he argued. “If it’s not my business, then why the fuck am I here?”

I jumped off the table, incensed that he would suggest that I’m the reason he’s here. “You’re here because of Frankie,” I shot back. “Now, just go home and tell her you did her bidding, like a good little boy, and leave me the hell alone!”

Ciro’s hand was wrapped around my throat, and I was on the table again, my back pressed up against the wall. The man looked spitting mad, and his eyes were like golden flames dressed in rage and dancing in violence.

The Son.

That’s who was before me.

That’s who had his hand around my throat.

There were a million and one reasons for my outburst, but sheer stupidity was the root of it all. I was admittedly afraid of this man, but I pushed him anyway. I got into the ring with him as if I had the skills to match him. I took advantage of my friendship with Frankie, thinking he would…pause before killing me, if simply not to upset his sister.

I waited for him to lash out.

To rant

To rave.

To unleash hell.

But he didn’t.

Ciro held my life’s oxygen in the palm of his hand, and the more calm he represented, the more worried I became.

I looked into his infuriated gaze and wondered if he was truly going to kill me this time. “Cir-”

He squeezed his hand around my neck and leaned in until we were practically nose-to-nose. His voice was the stuff of nightmares when he said, “If you ever speak to me like I’m some pussy errand boy ever fucking again, I’ll forget what you mean to my sister, and kill you slow.” His hand slid upward until he held my jaw in this grasp, and I was certain he was going to squeeze it until it snapped. Copyright 2016 - 2024