The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,96

I sunk my fingers into her tight cunt knuckle-deep. She looked like a wanton buffet spread out of my gluttonous pleasure and I wasn’t too sure how I was going to get out of here without fucking her sweet pussy.

I slid my fingers out and the woman almost brought me to my knees with one word.

She moaned my fucking name. “Ciro…”

I buried my face in her neck and latched on like a newborn on his first nipple. I sucked her delicate skin between my teeth, marking her, as I finger fucked her wet warmth. Robbie knew I was leaving my mark and it made my dick harder as she didn’t object. She didn’t tell me to stop. She didn’t pull away or push at me to stop. Robbie bared her neck to me, and it was the first time in my life that I’ve ever put my mark on a woman.

It felt powerful.

Until this very moment, I never understood the hold Frankie had over Nix, but I understood it now. Owning a woman as badass as Frankie made Nix feel powerful. And power was an addicting motherfucker.

I added a third finger to my assault and Robbie’s legs widened. “Ciro, please…” she begged, and I knew what she was begging for. She wanted my cock, and not in that fabricated, experienced way easy women begged for.


This was genuine. This wasn’t a role she was playing, and she hated me, so this wasn’t some ploy to get something out of me. And as much as I wanted to give in, I couldn’t. I needed her to want me sober and lucid. I needed an affirmative when she wasn’t confused with the shitshow her life was right now.

But that didn’t mean I had to deny her.

“You want to cum, baby,” I coaxed.

Without any pretense, she whimpered, “Yes…”

I curled my fingers inside her cunt, hitting that sweet spot, and she jumped. “Cum on my fingers, baby,” I breathed against the skin on the jaw I was on the verge of crushing earlier. “Ride my fingers, Robbie, and make yourself cum.”

She tightened her hold on my suit and did as I commanded. Robbie started working her hips to draw my fingers in deeper, and I was so consumed with making her cum, I wanted to shove my entire hand inside her.

I was losing my fucking mind.


Thank fuck.

“That’s it, baby,” I whispered in her ear. “Cum on my fingers. Work that pretty little pussy so that it leaks down my hand.”

“Oh, god…” she sighed. “Ciro…please…”

Fuck me running.

Robbie liked dirty talk.

I pumped my fingers inside her body until I thought they were in danger of cramping. And I was five seconds away from throwing away all self-control and fucking her on the goddamn table when her body clamped down on all three fingers, and she threw her head back, screaming my name. I rode out her wave with my fingers deep inside her, and once her shuttering subsided, my hand came way soaked.

It was only ten seconds after I removed my hand that her brown eyes shot to mine and embarrassment and regret began to crawl across her beautiful, flushed features.


I didn’t want to hear it.

I had felt more with her from just finger fucking her than I’ve ever felt balls deep inside a woman and I didn’t want to hear her fucking regret.

“I’m going to see what I can find out about Gary and Merrick,” I said, as I wiped my hand on her shorts and took a step back, giving her room to straighten up.


“I’ll see what I can find out about your two visitors,” I repeated. “Once I get some information on them, I will have a better understanding of what they’re looking for. No one cares about the box. It’s what’s inside that matters.”

She looked confused, and I knew she was, but I’d rather her be confused than regretful over what just happened. “Uhm…okay,” she said, cautiously. “Uhm…”

“I need a favor from you, though,” I continued, ignoring her unasked questions.

Her brows drew down. “What?”

“Call Frankie,” I told her. “Call her and ask her if you can stop by.”


“My sister is going to worry, no matter how much we try to reassure her. I want you to tell her everything that’s going on, so she doesn’t feel…helpless. I’ll let her know I’m taking care of it, but Frankie doesn’t do secrets. Don’t jeopardize your friendship with her for this one.”

“She kept you guys a secret from me,” she pointed out.

I shot her a look. Copyright 2016 - 2024