The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,182

hung up but told me everything I needed to know to confirm what Francesca had just told me.

I’ve only said the word ‘fiancé’ around Sensio.

Chapter 22


Not gonna lie-I could feel myself trembling.

Luca had awakened me a couple of hours ago with explicit instructions that I was to shower, make sure my hair and makeup were done to perfection, and to dress in something that hid the marks he left on my body. And since I had no idea how to do any of that, besides shower, I had to call Frankie and Robbie for help. Robbie had done my hair and makeup while Frankie had sent for an outfit and put my final look together. What had been staring back at me in the mirror was a person I didn’t recognize.

Luca also wasn’t telling me what was going on. All he said was that there was a meeting, but for me not to worry. He said Frankie and Robbie wouldn’t be there, but Ciro, Phoenix, and his brothers would be. But since I didn’t know his brothers, that didn’t help much.

And, truth be told, I was still reeling from everything that happened yesterday, I wasn’t sure if I was up for…whatever this was. Luca and I still hadn’t reached an agreement about my job, but I had a feeling I was going to lose on that front. The real struggle was going to be how to be able to live with myself knowing I’d failed where it mattered most. And I wasn’t sure I would ever truly be happy with that failure hammering away at my conscience every day.

I had made the undeniably wrong decision to be with Luca, for better or for worse, and I knew I was going to have to suck it up. But the idea of being unhappy for the rest of my life was daunting. Frankie was born for this kind of life and Robbie had embraced the new direction her life had taken. Me? I was floundering and the water just kept getting deeper, and deeper.

And, God, my parents.

How was I going to tell me I was going to marry Luca Benetti? They might live in Nebraska, oblivious to social gossip, but how am I supposed to tell them that I’m marrying a man I only met a week ago? And when they ask what he does for a living? Or when they look him up on the internet? How do I explain guards when they come to visit? Will they even be allowed to visit? Will I ever be able to fly back to Nebraska for the holidays? And what will become of our relationship if the truth comes out?

I sat on the edge of the bed, emotions threatening to take over, as I thought about my job and my parents, and Anita, and…and just everything. My life might not have been much, but it had been my life. I had been living it on my terms. Terms that had made me happy for the most part.


I looked up and Luca was standing before me in a suit that seemed different from all the others. Or maybe he seemed different. He stood erect and powerful, and confidence created an aura of protection around him. He looked untouchable.

He looked like The Father of Morgan City.

That’s when I knew, wherever we were going, whatever we were about to do, it was bad.

But I also knew I couldn’t walk away from this man, happy or unhappy.

I stood up and pride flashed in his black eyes. “You take my breath away.”

I didn’t feel that way. “I feel like a little girl wearing her mother’s grownup clothes, pretending to be something she’s not.” My brown hair had been straightened down my back and smooth layers were framing my face and causing different dimension of shades to shine all around me. My makeup was subtle, but Robbie had done something with the eye makeup that made my blue eyes pop in color. My face was free of any heavy makeup or blush, but my lips were coated with a soft mauve color.

Frankie had dressed me in a man’s white button-up dress shirt, dark black jeans, and black four-inched heel boots. She said the outfit was both feminine and masculine. The tailored shirt and jeans showcased my hourglass figure, but the masculinity of the button-up showcased power and strength. The shirt was unbuttoned a little too low for my liking, but Frankie said to trust her. The only thing it Copyright 2016 - 2024