The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,181

my wrath like that.

It also explained how Gio knew the things he did. Sensio was my shadow and saw and heard everything; he was supposed to. That was his job. The only privacy I had was when I was at home or at Ciro or Phoenix’s. But with Francesca running the water, I began to doubt the privacy of the building.


Francesca shook her head. “I already took care of it,” she said, surprising me. “I called Phoenix and told him all six of us needed new secured phones, and we needed to do a sweep of the entire building out to the corners of the block.”

“You did?” Suddenly, Francesca keeping my books seemed like a waste of her mind.

“Yes,” she rushed on, impatiently. “I didn’t tell him what was going on, but I promised I’d explain later.” She grabbed my hand and linked our fingers together. “I haven’t said anything to Robbie, but I did call Ciro and tell him we needed access to all the cameras on the neighboring blocks, and we might have to do a sweep of those building as well.”

“You did?”

Francesca nodded. “I…I want to bring Robbie in on this and give her a list of all yours, Ciro’s, and Phoenix’s properties throughout the city. We need a clean sweep, but I don’t trust anyone right now, Luca. However, I think between the six of us, Piero, Armando, Alessandro, and Umberto, we can sweep everything by the end of the week.”

It was overboard since Sensio was only privy to my residences and businesses, but I understood her need for reassurance.

“It’s easier to sell off the apartments and condos,” I told her. “Kratos needs to be swept and I agree we need to check the adjacent buildings, but it’s not a bad idea to lease the properties instead of owning them. We’ve might have become too comfortable in our own egos.”

She rolled her eyes. “Might have?”

I tapped her nose. “Brat.”

Francesca scrunched up her nose. “So?”

“Okay. Pull Robbie in and put her in charge of the real estate sales and leases. She can use yours and Phoenix’s real estate firm and work with Phoenix. I still want you managing our legit business and finances, because that’s the strength of your degree. However, I’m thinking security is where you might excel, Francesca.”

“Isn’t that Sal’s forte?”

“Yes, it is. But he’s obligated to the Benetti organization just like Leo’s bookkeeping is obligated to it. I was thinking of our security.”

“Why don’t we wait to discuss this when we’re all together,” she suggested. “Right now, we need to do something about Gio.” Her yellow gaze was worrisome, and I could kill Gio for that alone. “If he’s got a mistress, and she’s a cop…oh, God, Luca,” she rushed out. “Think of what that could mean. We need to take care of him.”

During her entire command of the situation, Francesca kept using the word ‘we’, and I loved her for it. “I’ll take care of him,” I promised her. “Any other suggestion, though?”

“Yeah,” she replied, taking charge. “Does Remy still have her apartment?” I nodded. “Then that’s where we’ll all meet to discuss this. I’ll make sure it’s swept clean, but no one would guess we’d hold up there for a meeting. Right now, I think it’s the safest place to gather for this conversation.”

“Set it up,” I told her. “I’m going to go wake Remy up and try not to murder Sensio with my bare fucking hands.”

“You can’t, Luca,” she said, telling me something I already knew. “We can’t tip Gio off until we know what we’re dealing with. Just…just be careful, please.”

I pulled her to me and kissed the top of her head. “I will. I promise.” I pulled back and looked down at her. “I want you over at Robbie’s or her here with you. Do not leave until Phoenix or Ciro come home. Got it?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

I turned off the showers and went back to my penthouse via the staircase. By the time I walked into my bedroom, I was vibrating with untold rage. I looked down at the beautiful woman asleep, naked in my bed, and I wanted to tear Sensio apart.

Before I could decide what to do next, my phone rang and Gio’s name flashed across the screen. I slid the icon and put the phone to my ear. “Yeah?”

His chuckle was enough to make me put a bullet in his head. “I’m calling a meeting in two hours,” he said. “Bring your fiancé with you.” He Copyright 2016 - 2024