The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,183

failed to do was hide Luca’s ownership, but she assured me this was needed contrary to Luca’s instructions.

“You look perfect,” Luca insisted. “When we come home, I’m going to fuck you wearing only that shirt.” My pussy clenched and heat shot out all over my body. He was truly making me a slave to his touch.

Luca’s hand reached out and I took a deep breath before taking it in mine.

This was it.

My heeled boots and Luca’s polished Testonis echoed throughout the penthouse as we walked into the living room. My heart was racing, and I questioned if I was strong enough to face whatever was about to happen. Whatever this meeting was about, it was defining. It was…huge. And whatever self-confidence I was pretending to have vanished the second we entered the living room.

Holy. Mary. Mother. Of. God.

Four men, varying in height and size, stood in the living room, all dressed in dark suits, appearances perfect down to their shined shoes.

I’d never seen such a magnificent sight in all my life.

In another life, I would have snapped a picture and turned their photos into a calendar that I’d take with me everywhere. The picture they presented was enough to emotionally damage any woman with working eyes. They were beautiful. Every last freakin’ one of them.

However, this wasn’t another life.

The shock of such a sight must have been written all over my face because Ciro winked at me and Phoenix flashed me his dimples. And, without any introductions, I knew who the other two men were. How could I not? They looked just like Luca, except they didn’t. Where they both had black hair, their eyes were green instead of black. They also looked…softer in comparison to Luca.

Our feet stopped when we came to stand in front of them. Luca’s hand gave mine a little squeeze and I wondered if they could all tell I was a mess.

“Remy, you already know Ciro and Phoenix,” Luca said. “And, now, I’d like for you to meet my brothers, Salvatore and Leonardo.” He gestured to each man as he said their names and, when both men smiled at me, I died a little inside.

They had fucking dimples.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Remy,” Leonardo said, his hand taking my free and turning it to kiss the back. He looked to be the youngest, but even looking young, he looked dangerous.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I lied. It wasn’t nice to meet him. It’d be nice meeting them if we were at a family picnic or…it was Christmas or something but meeting right before being summoned by the head of the Benetti Family was not nice.

It looked over at Salvatore and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Salvatore Benetti gave off sketchy vibes.

He grabbed my hand, very much as Leonardo had, but he cocked his head, a knowing smirk on his face. “We’ve met,” he said. “Though, unofficially.”

I glanced at Luca and the tick in his jaw told me he didn’t appreciate his brother playing with me. However, he wasn’t going to step in, and that’s when it dawned on me.

This was a test.

I was going to be tested at this meeting.

“Did we?” I asked, thankful my voice wasn’t shaky even though I was on the verge of a freakin’ panic attack with the realization that I was the focal point of all this.

Salvatore winked at me. “I was there the night you and Luca met,” he replied, then kissed the back of my hand before letting go. He knew I was a witness to a murder they all committed. I’m sure they all knew by now, but knowing Salvatore was actually there that night felt different.

“It’s nice to officially meet you,” I lied again.

They were all taking me in and when Luca let go of my hand and went to stand with them, the sight almost dropped me to my knees. You had Luca with his black hair and exotic black eyes, Ciro with his beautiful face and hypnotizing golden eyes, Phoenix with his stunning looks, knowing hazel eyes, and deep dimples, and Leonardo and Salvatore with faces that resembled the man I loved, but with green eyes and dimples. And all six-foot or taller and built like they were made for the streets.

Christ, they were a captivating group.

“What now?” I asked, forcing my mind to focus on the problem at hand and not their stunning looks.

Luca slipped his hands in his pockets. “Sal and Leo will head over separately Copyright 2016 - 2024