Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,25

find something else to wear.” I cocked my head to him and grinned, the anger was evident in my voice I couldn’t hide it. I was both blissfully satisfied and pissed all at the same time. Without adding a word, removing the remnants of my dress, I turned from and walked back to my room.

“You have a wonderful ass Lillian.” He called out, with a grin plastered on his face.

Pursing my lips, I turned at my doorway back to his appraising expression.

“So I’ve been told.” Slighting my head, “I’m sure it won’t be the last time I hear that one either.” With that, I shut my door. My anger was palpable, and based on his expression, I knew he felt it. However, he was amused by it?

I walked to my dresser pulling out fresh undergarments and proceeded to remove my stockings. Quickly changing my clothes, I put on a worn pair of jeans that hugged my hips and ass just so. A white, off the shoulder top; belt and strappy-heel sandals finished my idea of being fashionable.

Walking past the selves in my closet, my favorite hat called to me, yes, this was certainly a hat day. I reached for it and fiddled with it on my head, until I was satisfied. The hat was white with a black ribbon detail it very much looked like a man’s hat from the twenties.

Walking over to my bed, picking up my purse, my eyes landed on the gym clothes that still sat on the bed. I guess there was no longer a need to work out any frustrations. Grinning, this morning had certainly gone in a very strange direction. Where the hell was my self-control? Ah, yeah had none.

Walking to the door, pausing, I could have sworn I heard a woman’s voice.

And, one I recognized. Should have expected this. Of course Charlie would have a girlfriend, but than again perhaps not. Maybe just some slut wanting his attention.

Opening the door, my expression was almost shocked, but I quickly reeled it in before Charlie saw. There was clearly a woman in the apartment, and one that I recognized. She had forced herself into Charlie’s arms and was desperately trying to seduce him. It was evident that he brought her home last night, as she had nothing but a T-shirt on that barely covered her ass.

Looking at her, I realized it was Tiffany from the bar…my bartender from last night. Dawning hit…he must have been there.

Gathering my composure, I smirked and walked into the kitchen with my wits about me. I wasn’t sure what game he thought to play with me, but I approved of this, Shit it’s something I would pull myself.

“Lillian! Shit, I didn’t realize this was your place.”

“Yes it is.” I smiled and cocked my head as my eyes met his. “Charlie here is a temporary guest,” raising a brow, “a very temporary guest. He’s Julie’s brother.” Moving my eyes to Tiffany for a moment then back to Charlie, I added “I didn’t realize you had a guest Charlie?”

He offered no response and simply smiled at me.

I turned and opened the fridge gathering up bottled water, as Tiffany’s attention went back to Charlie.

“What happened to you last night? I passed out for what seemed to be a second, and you were gone?”

“Jet lag loves,” Turning back in their direction, his eyes on me, “The time difference is a real bitch to handle, please forgive me?” He swiftly turned to Tiffany. I wanted to gag, was he really trying to coddle her?

“Did we have sex last night?” she whispered, hoping I wouldn’t hear. More for her embarrassment, I suppose. Most women weren’t very comfortable when it came to their intimacy or who they fucked the night before. I, however, was not like most women, I had no embarrassment.

“No love, we did not…you passed out the moment you hit the bed” he spoke so tenderly to her…odd.

Perhaps, he was setting up for a second run with her later.

“Such the gentlemen.” She giggled, sparking an instant reaction out of me, I rolled my eyes…how dumb can she be? “Well what did you do with yourself?” Tiffany asked in an “oh so desperate” attempt to speak in a seductive voice. Oh, please this was painfully pathetic to listen to.

I turned and took my now full and cold coffee to the sink, when I met his eyes, waiting on his response.

“No worries love, I had quite the work out last night.” His eyes were dark and laced

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