Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,24

understood I longed for. I almost felt like I could seriously be torn in half; in a very wanted and needed way.

His pull, was just as slow exiting, leaving me with more need of his exquisite return. My hands gripped firm to the counter for balance when his full return hit me.

With each thrust, he felt as if he was deeper. The pain exquisite; pushing my climax further, taking me entirely. I could feel him under my skin and he felt, oh shit, he felt like home. My body was so in tune to his with a scary familiarity. Shut my head down, I needed, no want to only feel for this one moment I wanted to let myself feel. The build and rush of blood had me lost. I felt the orgasm as it seeped down through every nerve ending. His thrust now increased in speed, as he knew what and how I needed him.

“Harder” I rasped thru labored breath, and he obliged.

His pounding increased eagerly and his hand snaked around climbing to the front of my neck. I circled my hips, taking his length further need. The more I moved, the clearer it was becoming that this was what he wanted. Pausing, I sensed his need to reign himself in. The tension in him, was building, as it dawned on me that this small display had me even more turned on.

Oh, I felt the desperation as my body began to shake with a release I had no right to. This was insane! Letting go fully the orgasm surged through me, a full on volcanic eruption, somewhere form the hidden depths of me released. Yes, I screamed. My eyes closed and my heart beating erratically. This was the release I so craved. His thrust seem to grow, and tension was about to roll thru him and release.

One last thrust and his body tensed fully while his grip pulled me tight to him.

I lowered my head to the counter and released a breath of satisfaction. This was so fucking unexpected. How the hell did he do this? And where the fuck was all my control?

“You are an exquisite creature Lillian,” he breathed then proceeded with one last kiss to my shoulder. Releasing his hands, he steadied himself. Gently he began his retreat from my body leaving me sore…deliciously sore. With the final length of him gone, I gasped.

I could hear him fix his pants zipping them back up.

Shit, what did I just do? The question now swirled thru my head.

Lifting my head off the counter, I looked to my now ripped and hanging dress. I gave up control? I was pissed at myself. The fog cleared and anger replaced it. It wasn’t his fault, but rather my own.

Pursing my lips, I frowned. “I really liked this dress.” Sighing, I found myself shaking my head at my inner stupidity.

“As did I,” he offered, with an amused tone in his voice.

“Clearly.” I replied in a sadistic tone, rolling my eyes. Fuck, what did I just do? Yes, I had sex with him, but my control? I abandoned it so easily!

His body once more came down to my back, lingering a bit, as he slowly reached over me; his hand firm around my waist, firm against his body. His cologne held me prisoner.

Shit, what was he up to?

“Spread your legs.” He ordered running his hands down the side of my body, then proceeded to drop to my center.

Oh, took me a minute, he had a rag in his hand, and it was obvious what his intentions were. He was cleaning the evidence of his orgasm from between my legs.

“How thoughtful of you.” Again, I remarked in the same tone.

His mouth, by my ear replied… “I can be, but that’s never a certainty.” Taking my ear lobe in to his mouth, my arousal was quick to respond. Releasing his mouth, I didn’t need to turn around, to know the expression on his face.

Ah, he was very much like me. He was going to be trouble. Who was I kidding? He was fucking trouble for me in the worst way!

Finally, he released me altogether and sat back down on his bar stool affront of his laptop. His grin was one of complete satisfaction. Raising myself still shaking my head, I too was grinning, but not for the same reason I suspect.

“Well then, it seems my dress is undone, which was more than I had asked for…so if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to

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