Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,26

with a carnal look of satisfaction as he stared at me.

I cocked my head, feeling like I was missing something. Puzzled, I bit my lip and turned from him, taking my water, as I proceeded for the door.

“Are you leaving Lillian?” Charlie called out. Oh, his voice was definitely seductive.

“Yes…it appears that I am.” Cocking my head I felt like rolling my eyes at his obscured question. I didn’t turn back, offering a reply in a cold tone. Shit, not like me to be the jealous type.

“When will you be returning?” Odd thing for him to ask, as I’m sure he is about to have his hands full with his one nighter.

“I’m taking full advantage of a day off. I have things that need my attention…as it appears you do too.” I smirked and continued to the door. “No worries Charlie, I doubt we’ll be seeing one another the rest of the day. I will be back later, but only to change.” I added quickly to reassure him that the place was to his disposal, and without my interruption.

“Lillian?” Tiffany called stopping me in my tracks, sucking a deep breath, what now? Why can’t I just leave?

Pausing, I turned “Yes Tiffany?”

“Are you headed to Power Plant this evening?” she asked already knowing the answer.

“It’s really sad when my favorite bartender knows, where, and what I do” I laughed.

She laughed to my statement, “I only mention it, because I hear this evening is supposed to be of the scale there. Some band is planning out on the plaza, plus Mosaic has Tiesto performing tonight. Oh, and I heard that you might me considering performing tonight? Is that true?” Her eyes were all lit up. And she turned to Charlie, “She can fucking sing. She’s amazing! It’s like fucking sex on a microphone!” I wanted to laugh, my first known groupie.

“Yes, I heard Tiesto is performing, I’m just not sure I want to. Singing isn’t something I want a career in. My father would.” My words dropped off in caution, looking to Charlie. “I’m not sure what I plan for this evening but I will be there.” I turned reaching for the door.

“Lillian, I hope to hear you sing tonight. I love your performances and obviously I’m a fan. But …have fun hopefully we run into one another, I plan to be there with a few friends.” She looked to Charlie, hopeful that he would get the hint.

“So, My sister’s roommate is that good?” he looked to me curiously. “Sex with a microphone, huh interesting way to describe it.”

“Well, speaking of sex, I wouldn’t consider it that way, but yes singing is a personal thing for me, and more intimate than sex.” I raised my brows in a glare at Charlie.

“Well, have a good day Lillian!” Tiffany offered as her lips landed on Charlie’s neck.

I nodded, still grinning and looked to Charlie. His expression seemed to change as if his mood went from, grinning with satisfaction, to possibly annoyed?

Very odd.

I turned and walked from the apartment shutting the door behind me.

Down the elevator to the garage, I pulled my cell from my purse.

Shit, ten missed calls. I scrolled thru the numbers, one from Julie, two from Sam, and seven from an unknown number.

At least there were no messages. I hated voice mail. I didn’t see the point of it since texting gets the message across so much easier. Walking to my car, I was quick to get in and situate myself. I pulled from the garage.

It was without a doubt, a beautiful early September morning. Commanding my blue tooth, I instructed the call to Brady.

“Lil…I thought you forgot about me?” Brady answered.

“Sorry, I had gotten distracted at home. It appears that I have the day free, due to some restructuring at the agency.”

“Nice. I’m jealous.” He replied.

“Oh, you should be,” I offered teasingly knowing he would understand, what I hadn’t said.

“I know that tone…who was he, and damn you work quick!”

“Yeah, keep it to yourself, but shit…Julie’s brother.” I shook my head from side to side, still shocked with what had happened.

“What the fuck! Since when did you break your own limits?” He laughed, yet I could sense the worry under his tone.

“I know …he was a very big “Off Limit”. To my defense, it was all him…I started nothing.”

“Shit, what are you going to do about him? I mean, he’s staying in your apartment…that’s kinda a problem is it not?” Brady asked.

“You can stay with me for the time being Lil.

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