Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,14

I frequent this bar too much.

Occupational hazard as I now see it.

“Is Julie joining?” I couldn’t tell, if the question was more out concern, or something else. I sensed that she didn’t like her too much, but I wasn’t sure why. The two had always seemed like they liked each other, or maybe not.

“Oh, she left for her first assignment in Haiti.” I pursed my lips. Shit, I forgot about her brother.

“Is that a good thing or bad? Based on your expression it doesn’t sound good?” she looked to me for a response.

“No, it’s not that; I just remembered her brother was staying with us, well me, while she’s away.” I rolled my eyes.

“And that’s a bad thing?” she raised her expression, and I knew where her head just went.

I smiled, and shook my head in understanding “No, I guess not. I don’t expect to see him much. She had said he works late hours. So, -no biggie. I just haven’t ever had to share my space with a guy.”

“Is he hot?” again with her raised expression

“Sam…” I paused rolling my eyes. “I guess, but he looks like a stuck up tight ass, but, I must concede to the fact that he makes a really good pot of coffee.”

The bartender was quick, we had a round of shots, I had my usual vodka and Redbull in front of me.

Taking our shots, I felt hands come around my hips. I knew exactly who it was.

“Chris…love; be careful where you put your hands, one of these days, I just might take advantage of you.” I laughed

“How did you know it was me?” He came to the side of me leaning into the bar.

“Easy…I know how your hands feel, and I recognize your cologne,” I laughed

He leaned in “Um I’m pretty sure you’ve done that a few times in the past. That is, taking advantage, and last I checked; I’m pretty sure I approved. We can always take it further anytime Lil.”

“Yeah, but I was your girlfriend then, now I would be using you to simply sate myself. You know it’s been over a year since I’ve gotten laid.” I cocked my head at him and smiled.

“Point taken.” He smiled. “However, I know you well enough to know it has not been that long.” I knew he still harbored feelings for me, and I seriously shouldn’t lead him on as I do. Nor could I lie to him. …I just didn’t feel right about actually flaunting my one Nighters in his face. He didn’t deserve that.

We had been broken up after three years agreeing that we were better friends than anything more. He was currently seeing someone yet knowing him well; I knew his feelings were ever so close to the surface.

He once told me that I was emotional “inaccessible”. I never quite understood that comment. I think it was more for his benefit to label me as he had. A label that was brutally honest. I believe the point of the matter lay with his pride. I hadn’t involved myself with anyone since our relationship ended. Thinking back, he was the only one I attempted a relationship with.

A few very unpleasant dates here and there, were all that the three years had produced, but that was entirely by my choice. I truly didn’t have the strength to deal with my job and any entanglements that a relationship would bring. I was pretty much a walking zombie, and too tired to deal with that baggage.

However, Happy Hour with friends was my refuge. Looking back to the bartender she smiled and ushered over another full round.

We were getting drunk tonight, and happy hour was about to be extending into one hell of a night.

I knew, I shouldn’t, but whom the fuck cares. Thinking about today’s events, I wasn’t so sure, I would have a job much longer.

My unfiltered mouth and me.


“Lilly, what has you in such deep thought?” Chris leaned over to the bar taking a shot.

“I think I’m about to lose my job” I replied staring at my drink.

“What do you mean?” He was genuinely concerned.

“I was in the elevator with the new owner, not realizing, who he was, and my brain to mouth filter failed me at every word.”

“Oh, shit what did you say?” He asked with sincere interest.

“I guess nothing seriously awful, it was just, I don’t know. He brought out this need to get …. I don’t know, I just felt like he was getting under my skin a bit.”

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