Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,13

slowly up away from me and I felt trapped in his stare. His grin was seductive and hard to resist.

Clearing my throat and trying to maintain some level of control, I responded. “Well Mr. Vain, which I will maintain …I do now work for you. So I do insist on the formality,” pausing I added, “I suppose me and Tequila will be having a date this evening. But please note that one could be of the opinion that reading someone’s text messages is both intrusive and rude.”

I pursed my lips tight and cocked my head waiting for a reaction. It was clear that this man needed to be brought down a few notches. Even if it meant losing my job….hell, I hated my job anyway and after all that I had said, I wasn’t too sure if I would have one tomorrow.

“It seems now it is I whom owes you an apology. Nevertheless, I do insist on you calling me by my name. And I sincerely hope that you enjoy your evening, but within reason.” Listening shrewdly, he sounded a bit possessive?

“Mr. Vaihn; as for my plans this evening I believe it is I whom control what or how I conduct myself. Furthermore, since my brain clearly has malfunctioned with its filter and I believe I may be without my job in the near future, I don’t believe it is of anyone’s concern what reason I chose or chose not to use this evening.”

“Hmm”, he pursed his lips, cocking his head. “Feisty, I see. I meant no disrespect. I simply care for those whom are employed by me and it saddens me that you believe not have a future here.” Dude this guy had me confused, his expression shifted like the tides, his eyes actually looked apologetic for a moment.

Shit how was I to respond to that? I shook my head, breaking my stare and looked to the floor.

“No, it is I whom owe the apology for my lack of filter and quick defensiveness. I’m sorry”

“No need for an apology Lillian.”

He smiled genuinely, and then walked away. I watched him intently not understanding what just happened between us. He definitely ruffled my feathers’, I just couldn’t tell, if it was in a good way or not.

I was now truly ready for a drink.

I walked to the parking lot and to my car. From the side of my vision, he was leaning down into the driver’s side of a car that was extremely tinted. Sebastian appeared to be talking to someone.

The car a bit much, Bentley, I think? I could sense he looked up at me, and then quickly back to the driver of the car. Was he talking about me?

I had an eerie feeling that he was.

I quickly made it to my car and jumped in. Looking thru the side mirrors, I could tell he was watching me. Shaking it off, I started the car and pulled out.

Chapter 3

The drive to Pickles was quick. Pulling up, I parked in my garage knowing it would be best to walk over.

Walking from the parking garage, my mind was still trapped within the elevator, and all the crazy notions that had me up in arms without a filter. He got under my skin. I realized that I was both aroused and repulsed. It was possible that it was the way he spoke or maybe what he didn’t say; his expression, looked like one I would normally carry. Well, when I was trying to fuck with someone. It was even sadistic in my opinion.

Nonetheless, I was turned on with his display.

I spotted Sam at the bar and made a fast approach.

“Hey Lil, you look frazzled?”

“It’s been a day, oh, and your mystery man from the elevator is one our new boss, and an ass.” I sat down staring at the bar.

“I take it, you met him?” She smirked

“Yeah, in the elevator, on my way out.” My voice carried my frustration and my need to drown it in a drink.

“I met him shortly after our morning laugh, and I would have to agree, he’s an ass with a capital A.” She offered with distain.

“I take it; you no longer want to introduce him to your bed?” I laughed

“Hell no!” She laughed, “Too controlling and well, he kinda scares me, so I’ll reserve that invitation for someone else.”

Looking to the bartender, I signaled her, and she nodded knowing already what I wanted.

Kinda scary when a bartender doesn’t need you to vocalize what you wanted. I guess

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