Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,15

I shook my head, not understanding what he had made me feel. He made me feel like a petulant child.

“I’m sure he wanted to do more than just get under your skin. More like in it!” Brady chimed in raising his eyebrows up and down when I turned to look at him. His arms came around my shoulders pulling me in a warm hug then released me swiftly.

“Ugh? What would you know of him?” I looked between him and Chris.

Brady was a junior partner at a well-known firm and knew all the “who’s who” in upper society. I think it had more to do with the fact that his family was old money. It was without a doubt useful in his profession. Brady so looked the part. Definitely ultra-yuppie in appearance. Even when dressed casually, like he was. Brady had his polo shirt, expensive jeans meant to look worn in and of course his boat shoes. His hair, however, was more of the messy “I’m rebelling” look. He had medium brown hair and brown eyes. He was average height at 6’ and had a slender but cut build. Without a doubt, he looked of money and to his benefit; he was an extraordinarily good-looking man. Not to mention, my best friend since childhood.

“Word in the firm is about this takeover of your agency by Vaihn Enterprises. Mr. Vaihn has a bit of a reputation of being a playboy.”

“Playboy”, Chris raised his eyes teasing Brady “I didn’t realize that word was ever used these days!”

“Fine…He’s a predator. Better?”

“Ok, first playboy now predator….really? I would think both adjectives lean in very different directions.” I raised my drink laughing at him.

“Uh, point is…chasing ass is something he makes sport of. He will mind fuck, the woman before he actually fucks her. He’s a sadistic genius and extremely dangerous.” Brady grinned, but I could tell there was more to his knowledge of my new Boss. Sharing a look, there was definitely a warning in his eyes. Understanding fully, I winked at him.

“Well, I’m sure I won’t be working for him or his agency by tomorrow. I won’t have a job.” I knew I wasn’t losing my job, however, anything was possible.

Chris was quick to catch Brady’s confused expression. “She had a lack of brain to mouth filter, talking to him in the elevator this evening.”

Brady pursed his lips tight and looked directly into his rum and coke shaking his head then quickly swallowing it whole.

“What am I missing?” I looked at Brady

Brady half grinned and was about to say something as he looked between Chris and me.

“How was his demeanor with you?” Brady looked down to me.

“Ugh, not sure what you mean? He was nice I guess. He looked a little amused and insisted that I call him by his first name. I was quick to refuse and continued to address him formally. I’m not sure why, but he was just so arrogant in his undertones part of me wanted to slap him back down to earth. To my defense, I hate his type. Well excluding you of course.” I rose an eyebrow laughing. To all it sounded like a group conversation, but between Brady, and me there was an unspoken conversation being held.

“I’m going to pretend that you just didn’t insult me Lil. Because I’m awesome, by the way. But I’m afraid that you better hope you don’t have a job tomorrow.” He winked taking a long sip from his beer.

“Ok, why would I hope that?” I shook my head at him.

“I’m thinking your brassy mouth may have pulled his attention. Shit…that dress would do just fine, but you may have inadvertently just given him a challenge.” He pulled his lips tight into a croaked smile and raised his eyebrows intently at me.

“Brady, I doubt that. You’ve met our Lil haven’t you? She’ likely to beat him at his own game.” Chris laughed “Damn man, you’ve known her all your life, fuck the two of you are as thick as thieves.” Laughing and shaking his head, Chris looked between us. “No wonder the two of you are best friends.”

Crossing my arms, I looked to Chris, “and what do you mean by that? You better qualify you statement and quick!”

“Please don’t take this wrong. I love you Lil, and I say this because of that…” He smiled his charming smile “You’re like a man…you’re a fucking piranha when it comes to the opposite sex. I swear, if I didn’t know any better, I would

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