His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,34

luckiest son of a bitch on the planet, I know I am. There's no way anyone else is this lucky. I have a gorgeous wife, the coolest little boy and three of the most perfect little girls ever to live.

Jesus fuck. I have three girls now.

"I need guns," I mumble to Cami. "A lot of them."

"Bentley," she whispers. Even though she's exhausted, her lips curve into a wan smile. "You already have a gun."

"I need bigger guns. A lot of them. Jesus, little dove." I pace around the side of the bed, my heart racing. Is this what an anxiety attack feels like? Christ. I have anxiety now. She gave me three perfect girls and anxiety. "You keep giving me these perfect little girls. And these perfect little girls are going to grow into perfect teenage girls. Boys love teenage girls because they're horny little bastards."

"You can always try for another boy next time," Dr. Schoff suggests. Even though she's still working on my wife, she's smirking. Of course she doesn't get it though. She doesn't have three girls who got all their sweetness from their mama.

"We're not having any more babies," I decide.

"But I want one more," Cami whispers.

I stop pacing to stare at her in shock. She's serious though. I see it in her eyes. "Fine," I give in because of course I do. "One more. But you're only allowed to give me a boy this time, little dove. No more girls."

"Your sperm decides," Dr. Schoff points out.

She's not very helpful. I don't know why we keep using her. I don't like her. Okay, that's not true. She's one of the best OBGYNs in Nashville, and she loves my little dove to pieces. But still…this isn't my fault.

"No girls," I mutter, looking down at my dick. Just in case she's right.

Cami laughs softly.

"Do you want to cut the cord, Bentley?" the nurse holding our baby girl asks, smiling. They're all smiling like they find me amusing. Women are nuts. If Kasen or Cash was here, they'd understand. They have girls too.

I take the little surgical scissors in hand and snip the cord. Once that's done, the nurse wraps our little girl up in a blanket and then holds her out for me to take.

I cradle her little body close to my chest. My heart stops for a second as it grows even bigger and then it starts again, beating for her now too. It will always beat for her, her siblings, and their mama.

"Hi, sweet angel," I whisper, my voice choked with emotion as she cuddles in close. Her cries slow and then halt. "I'm your daddy, Bentley." I carry her back to Cami's side, kiss her on the top of her head—which is full of dark hair—and then lay her on her mama's chest.

Tears spill down Cami's cheeks as she holds our baby close, reaching out to grasp my fingers with her free hand. "She's so perfect," my little dove whispers through her tears as our girl nuzzles up against her chest, her tiny mouth open.

"You're both perfect, little dove," I whisper, blinking back tears as I watch my wife with our baby. I bring her hand up to my lips, pressing a reverent kiss to her knuckles. "So damn perfect."

I don't know what I did to deserve this incredible woman and the life she's given me, but I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing it over and over again.

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Her Date with an Alpha


"How come we drove Miss Grayson home, Unca Logan?" Gabe asks between shoving fries into his mouth. He's got ketchup smeared across his cheek, but he's still a cute little shit with his fauxhawk. He looks a lot like I did when I was younger.

"She has a headache like your mom gets," I murmur, shoving my phone into my pocket. I've been staring at her number for the last five minutes, trying to talk myself out of calling to check on her. She's probably sleeping. I still want to call her though…just to make sure she's okay.

"Oh." Gabe purses his lips together. His little brow furrows with worry. "How come we left her at home alone then?"

That's an excellent question. I didn't want to leave her, but I'm pretty sure she didn't need me and Gabe hovering over her while she has a migraine. Gabe is a cool kid, but he's still just

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