His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,35

a kid, with a propensity to get loud and boisterous. As soon as I drop him off with his grandparents, I'm going back to make sure she's all right.

"I'm going to go check on her after I take you to the hospital to see your mom and Gia."

"Oh. Okay." He eats another couple fries.

"Do you like Miss Grayson?" I ask him…which probably isn't playing fair but screw it. He has intel I need if I'm going to convince his teacher to fall in love with me. I mean, the fact that it's a noble cause has to count for something, right?

"Uh huh." He sets his fries to the side and grabs his burger, taking a big bite.

I take a bite of mine and then frown, setting it to the side. McDonald's is shit. The burger is about as appetizing as cardboard. Gabe seems to like his though. He's wolfing it down like he hasn't eaten in four years. I toss mine back on the tray and sit back. I'll swing by Panera on the way back to check on Cadence and pick us both up something to eat. She probably won't want anything heavy. Especially if her migraines make her nauseous.

"She sings silly songs to us sometimes."

"Yeah?" I smile at the thought of her singing to the kids. I bet she belts out the lyrics with her whole heart and a big smile on her face. It's obvious how much she likes kids. She melted every time she looked at Gabe today. I'm not sure why she doesn't have any of her own yet, but I can't say I'm not happy about it. The only babies I want her to have are mine, and I'll give her as many as she wants.

"Uh huh. And sometimes she gives us candy." He looks up from his burger. "Mom said I can't marry her 'cause I'm too young. But maybe you could, Unca Logan. Then she'd be my family too. All of her family lives far away."

I eye him for a long, silent moment, not sure how to respond to that. And then I shrug. We're after the same thing, so I might as well get him on my team. "I'm working on it, bud."

"Cool," he whispers.

I've never thought much about marriage and kids. Most of my life, I've been occupied with my company. Hell, there are days I don't even make it home and just crash on the couch in my office. That won't be happening once she's mine. Spending time in the monstrosity I call a house is all too appealing if it means spending it with her. I'll lock the doors and spend days lost in her and that gorgeous body of hers.

It's been… God, it's been years since I took a vacation. I don't remember the last time I didn't spend twelve hours a day at work, only to go home and spend another two or three working from my office there. The only time I take off is when I'm hanging out with Gabe. Lisa gives me shit all the time; says I don't have nearly enough fun in my life. Maybe she's right. It's time to start making some changes. I don't ever want Cadence to feel like she comes second to my company.

How insane is it that I'm thinking about this shit—contemplating completely overhauling my life—exactly two hours after meeting her?

It doesn't feel the least bit insane. It feels all too right.

"How come you were looking at her funny, Unca Logan?" Gabe asks as I'm pondering that revelation.

"I was looking at her funny?"

He bobs his head in an emphatic nod. "Yep. Your eyes were funny and you were smiling." He tilts his head to the side, studying me intently. "Is it 'cause she makes your heart happy?"

My heart and my dick. I've never gotten so hard, so fast for a woman before today. Jesus, I can't wait until she lets me strip her down and worship at her feet. I'm going to keep her cumming while I breed her. But Lisa will kick my ass if I tell him that, so I don't. "Yeah, she makes my heart happy. You okay with me taking her on a date tomorrow?"

"To where?" he asks, narrowing his eyes on me.

"I haven't decided yet."

"You should take her to the movies. She likes popcorn."

I guess that means he's okay with it. I mean…he did tell me I should marry her, so that's promising. Hopefully he won't change his mind about that. I don't want to break his heart by stealing her from him. But I will absolutely steal her from him. I'll probably feel bad about it because he's the coolest kid ever, but I'll still do it. He's not very good at holding a grudge yet.

"What else does she like?"

Jesus. I can't believe I'm really grilling my seven-year-old nephew about a woman. That has to violate some sort of rule somewhere in the Universe.

Her Date with an Alpha is coming soon!

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