His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,33

like my little dove too. Her favorite place to be is right beside me. I love that she follows me everywhere. My heart melts every time she tilts her head back and lifts those chubby little arms up for me to pick her up. She reminds me of her mama so much.

We're having another little girl this time. I hope she's just like her mama too.

Cami's confidence has really grown in the last five years. Once our song came out, people were as interested in her as they were in me. They fell in love with my little dove, exactly like I knew they would. She's impossible not to love. There were a few snide comments about her weight early on, but I nipped that shit in the bud real quick by refusing to deal with anyone who had anything negative to say about her.

For the most part though, everyone sees her for the gorgeous, talented woman she is. Which, if I'm being honest, is a never-ending source of stress. All those motherfuckers like to look at her like they're imagining sliding between her thighs like I do. They flirt with her all the time. I've turned into an even bigger asshole trying to keep men away from my wife. She's still oblivious to the way men look at her. I see them though. The horny fuckers.

She says singing isn't her dream any longer, but she still sings with me. I toured for a while after she had Noah. They went on the road with me because it was the only way I was going. She would sing with me every night. She's sang on every one of my albums since then too. I'm still listed as a solo artist, but everyone knows we're a pair. They prefer it that way, I think.

I know they would choose Cami over me any day of the week because that's exactly what I would do. But she says they like us together because they find me hilarious. I still can't control the shit that comes out of my mouth around her. The day I met her, my brain and mouth stopped communicating and they just never started again. I don't mind. Turns out, my brain says some pretty smart shit. It did land me an angel, after all.

I stopped touring once Cami got pregnant with Vanessa. I don't miss it. I love being close to home with my little dove and my babies. They are my entire world. I could stop singing tomorrow and be just fine with it. But if I lost them, I wouldn't survive it. I wouldn't want to survive it. You can live without a limb. People do it every day. But I've yet to meet anyone who lives without a heart. Since my wife and kids are my heart, there would be no surviving without them.

"It's time to start pushing again, mama," Dr. Schoff says, smiling at Cami. "You ready to bring this baby on home so your man can relax?"

Cami reaches for my hand. I give it to her—gladly. Once she's got her little hand wrapped as tightly around mine as she can get it, she nods. God, she's so damn brave. Even when she's afraid, she never stops. Even when she's hurting, she keeps going. I am in awe of her. Every single day.

The next contraction hits her, rising in intensity. She grits her teeth and squeezes my hand, her green eyes full of determination.

"Push, Cami," Dr. Schoff encourages her.

My little dove pushes…and pushes, and then pushes some more.

"You can do it, little dove," I encourage her, wishing like hell I could take her place as her face turns bright red. "You're so damn strong. Jesus, I love you so much. Every day, I just love you more and more and more. It shouldn't be possible because I already love you like fucking crazy. But then you do something like go and have my baby again, and I fall in love all over again. You can do this, angel. You're so fucking strong."

"Bentley!" she screams, her sweet voice breaking as she bears down as hard as she can.

"That's it!" Dr. Schoff crows, lifting our little girl up and then passing her to the nurse.

Cami falls back against the bed, completely sapped of strength.

Tears fill my eyes, spilling over as I watch the nurses cleaning up our baby. She flails her tiny little arms and starts to cry. God, she's perfect, just like her mama. I'm the

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