His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,25

went by Cami's apartment. I'm losing my mind.

This entire day has been shit. First, I had to let Cami go to work instead of keeping her in our bed where she belongs. And then I got to the studio to find Mara, the chick from yesterday, waiting for me. She's insane. She started yelling at me about firing her for Cami, only the words she used to describe my little dove had me ready to physically toss her out. Just thinking about it has me pissed all over again.

I guess she was watching from across the street when Cami got here yesterday. Which is a whole new level of creepy and weird. Soren called the police to escort her off the property, but she's threatening to go to the media and tell them I refused to pay her. That's bullshit because she didn't even do anything. She was here for twenty minutes before I told her she wasn't singing with me. Whatever though. I'll pay her if it'll make her go away quicker.

I don't want her anywhere near Cami. She's vile.

Soren thinks she has a thing for me…which makes my dick shrivel. She's not my type. Even if I hadn't met Cami, she wouldn't be my type. She's a bottle blonde with fake tits and a voice that grates on my last damn nerve. There's nothing natural about her, nothing sweet or genuine. She's the polar opposite of my little dove.

"Bentley, get your ass out here!" Riley yells down the hall.

I leap to my feet and fling the door to the office open, rushing out. "Have you heard from her? Is she okay?" I ask, practically running down the hall to Riley, who's standing at the far end with her hands on her hips and a glare on her face. Cami isn't with her.

Cash is though. He looks pissed.

"Where is she?" I ask, looking between the two of them.

"What did you do?" Riley growls instead of answering me.

"What did I do?" I blink, confused. "I haven't done anything. I've been here, finalizing the album. Where is Cami? Is she okay? Did something happen to her? Jesus, Riley. Please tell me she's all right."

"She isn't all right." Riley pokes me in the chest. "She's at home, refusing to leave her room because you're an asshole." She gives me a look of utter disgust. "I cannot believe you slept with her just to get her to let you use the duet."

"What the fuck?" I gape, stunned she thinks I'm capable of that. I know I can be an asshole, but I'm not a complete bastard. I'd never do that to anyone, least of all to my little dove. "Is that what Cami thinks happened between us?" I ask, sick to my stomach. I thought she knew how I felt about her. I didn't exactly make a big secret of the fact that I'm crazy about her. "I won't use the song if she doesn't want me to. Whatever she wants."

"Right," Riley says and then rolls her eyes at me.

I look from her to Cash, who doesn't look any happier than his pint-sized wife. He's got his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. His blue eyes are hard and unforgiving.

"If she doesn't want me to use the song, I won't use it," I tell both of them, speaking nothing but the truth. I would never do anything to hurt or upset her. "And I didn't sleep with her to get her to do anything. I wouldn't do that to anyone, let alone to her."

I know what it's like to be used. It kills me a little to know Cami's been there too. She's so fucking beautiful and perfect. How could anyone do that to her? God, I can't believe she doesn't know how much I love her.

Riley snorts like she doesn't believe me, but Cash's expression thaws incrementally.

"She was here earlier," he says. "Says she heard you telling Soren to pay her for her time and to get her out of your life."

My heart sinks, ice forming in my veins. I try to remember exactly what I said to Soren, but can't. I know it wasn't good though. I was pissed off that Mara was talking about my little dove. No wonder Cami thinks I'm an asshole. I was being an asshole…but I wasn't talking about her. My God. I would never.

"Which is a really shitty thing to do," Riley says, poking me in the chest again. "Cami

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