His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,26

is amazing and was going to let you use the duet version without asking for a single thing in return. Because she believes in you that much. You'll be lucky if Kasen doesn't fire you when I tell him what you did."

"I wasn't talking about her!" I yell, frustrated because my little dove is hurting and I'm here listening to Riley climb my ass instead of with Cami, fixing this. "The chick from yesterday came back this morning, raising hell. Cami heard me and Soren talking about her."

Riley's eyes narrow, widen, and then narrow again like she isn't sure if she should believe me or not.

"I was pissed because she was talking crap about Cami," I growl, shoving a hand through my hair. I need to go find Cami and clear this up. She's probably crying right now, thinking she gave herself to the world's biggest prick. "I wanted her dealt with so she didn't show up and try to say any of that shit to Cami. My little dove doesn't need to hear that kind of vile crap from a jealous bitch."

And that's exactly what Mara is. Cami is beautiful and talented and sweet and funny and so much more than even she realizes. I didn't want her to hear Mara talking about her like she's less than because of her curves. She's dealt with enough of that kind of crap in her life. And I worship those curves.

"You're serious." Riley looks from me to Cash. "Is he serious?"

"Yeah, little goddess," Cash drawls. "I think he is."

"I'm in love with her, Riley," I say, knowing damn well I won't get past her and Cash unless she believes me. Cash would tear this place apart brick by brick to make her happy. I know because I'd do the same thing for Cami. "I would rip my own heart out before I hurt her. If she doesn't want to use the song, I won't use it. I'd give her anything she asked for, without hesitation."

"She's really upset," Riley whispers, anger giving way to consternation and then to worry for her friend. I can't even be mad at her for being pissed. I'm glad she came here ready to kick my ass on Cami's behalf. Cami deserves that kind of loyalty from the people in her life. "She thinks you were talking about her."

"I swear to you, I wasn't."

Riley eyes me for a long moment, her brows furrowed like she's trying to make a decision. It seems to take her fifty years to decide, but eventually she steps to the side to let me pass.

"Wait!" she says before I can run out the door. She hurries toward me, holding out a key. "You might need this."

"What is it?"

"The key to her apartment."

I take it, already running for the door.

I make a quick stop on the way to Cami's apartment to pick up something important. Her place is quiet when I finally get there. I tap on the door, hoping she'll answer it for me and I won't have to use the key Riley gave me.

She doesn't.

I press my ear to the door, but don't hear anything at all from inside. I know she's in there though. I can feel her inside. She's like a magnet, pulling me closer. Even though she's probably mad as hell right now and could very well kick me right back out of here without giving me the time of day, a sense of calm steals over me. It's been missing since I drove away from her this morning. She's home to me now. I think she has been since the instant I set eyes on her yesterday.

I'll camp out in the hall outside her door for the rest of my life if that's what it takes to make her understand that I'm crazy about her. I know what she heard today rattled her, but I'm not letting her go without a fight. She's mine now. No takebacks.

I unlock the door and let myself in before locking it back. All the blinds are closed, casting the living room and kitchen into shadow. Her place is pretty incredible though. It's full of photos and mementos, giving it a sort of warmth my house lacked until yesterday…when she stepped through the door with me and made it a real home. Just having her beside me lit the place up. It's her light, her warmth I feel now. It's seeped into every nook and cranny in this apartment.

Cami isn't in the

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