His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,24

her face for the world to see. I love that she made it through losing her dad, fighting her Board, and catapulting Saunders Management to even greater success without losing her spirit and openness. "I'm happy here, doing what we do."

"Bentley is your dream now."

I nod, unable to keep the goofy smile off my face. I think Bentley's been my dream for a long time and I've just been afraid to go for it. I've always crushed on him, always admired him, and even fantasized about him. Maybe my heart knew a long time ago that I belonged with him and the universe has just been patiently waiting for the right moment to throw me into his path. I don't know. But I'm taking the leap. And if the rest of the world doesn't like it…well, they can kiss my ass.

When I arrive at the studio, no one is around. I peek into the live room and the control room without finding anyone. I start down the long hallway, following the soft murmur of voices coming from the other end. I've been thinking all morning about what Riley said.

I'm going to tell Bentley how I feel about him. Even if he doesn't feel the same way yet, I want him to know that I'm in love with him. I think he feels the same way though. It's in his every word, every action. Since the second we met yesterday, he's been ready to throw me over his shoulder and carry me off. That has to mean something, right?

God, I hope so.

My stomach flutters, nervous energy zipping through me.

The door to the office at the end of the hall is cracked open. I pause outside it when I hear Bentley's voice coming from the other side.

"She's a delusional bitch," he growls. "She's never going to make it in this business, and she's crazy if she thinks she is. I want her out of my hair."

My heart stalls in my chest and then races away. Is he talking about me?

"We're working on it," Soren says back, his voice quiet and reassuring, calming. "I warned you this could happen. Once we get this taken care of, I'm sure she'll disappear back into her hole. She looked like a stage five clinger."

No. Oh no.

"Yeah, well, she can find someone else to latch onto," Bentley says. "I don't have time for this shit, and I'm not interested in her or her bullshit. Pay her a couple hundred dollars for her help yesterday and get her out of my life. I've got more important things to do than deal with her drama."

I gasp, my hand flying to my mouth as tears fill my eyes. They are talking about me. My heart cracks in half in my chest, my stomach threatening to rebel. I back away from the door, terrified they're going to hear me out here.

Hearing him say he wants me out of his life once was enough. I don't need him to say to my face that he's done with me. I've heard enough to know how he really feels about me. Like I feared, he never really wanted me. He just wanted the song.

Well, he can have it.

I don't need to see him or hear him speak. Ever again.

Riley was wrong about him, and so was I. Bentley is a jerk, just like everyone said.

I stumble down the hall, fighting not to cry. Somehow, I manage to make it outside before tears start falling. I scurry down the block with my head down, wanting to put as much distance between me and Bentley as I can, as fast as I can.

God, I was so stupid. I actually thought he cared about me…that he might love me too. All he wanted was the song. Not me. Being used hurts worse this time than it ever has before. Because this time, I was stupid enough to fall for it.

Chapter Six


I glance at the clock in Soren's office and then down at my phone, frowning because they both match…which means something is wrong. It's almost two, and I haven't heard from Cami since she told me she'd be here around noon. I'm starting to get seriously worried because she isn't answering her texts or her phone.

When I called Riley at twelve thirty, she told me Cami left an hour before to come meet me. Riley can't reach her either. I'm ready to call the police to report her missing, but Riley convinced me to wait until she

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