His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,23

talented, but after being burned so many times, I guess he decided that people only wanted to get close to him to get to Kasen. I think some of them were genuinely interested in him, but he shut them all down because he didn't trust their intentions. He's very guarded, kind of like you are. He can be a major dick to people who piss him off."

"He's so amazing," I say, flopping down on the couch. "He's sweet and funny and says whatever he's thinking." I smile, thinking about all the things he blurted out without meaning to do so. He didn't even get embarrassed when it happened. "I really, really like him."

"I think he really, really likes you too," Riley says, lowering herself to the couch beside me. "You guys look so cute together and you sound freaking amazing together."

"I want to tell him to use the duet."

Riley's eyes widen, shock written all over her face.

"He deserves the best shot possible," I say with a shrug, avoiding her gaze. "If the duet gives him that, I want him to use it."

"You're serious."

I nod.

"You really do love him."

I nod again. "It's crazy, right? I should slow this down and try to remember…" I trail off when Riley clamps her hand over my mouth.

"Don't you dare!" she says, narrowing her gray eyes on me. "Cash decided we were getting married like five minutes after he met me. If it feels right and Bentley makes you happy, that's all that matters. You guys have forever to learn every single thing about one another."

"That's not what I'm worried about." I don't care that it's fast. Love works in mysterious ways. I'm just freaking terrified that being with me will damage his career before it ever has a chance to take off.

"Then what?"

"I'm scared," I whisper, reaching for her hand. She's my best friend. I can tell her anything, but admitting my fears out loud makes me feel small and meek. "I've never had this before. I've never felt this way before. What if being with me makes him a public laughingstock?"

I've always been the girl no one crushed on or dated. Because of my weight and how shy I've always been, I was the butt of a lot of jokes and cruelty. And Bentley is freaking five-alarm fire hot. He's also at the beginning of an incredible career as a solo artist. I'm terrified that once people know we're together, it'll be like high school all over again, with everyone talking about my weight and why he's with me instead of about how incredible he is.

I want to let go and jump into this thing with him. I want to tell him to use the duet. But I'm really scared I'm going to splatter against the cement in the bottom of this pool. If I already feel this way about him after one day, how much worse will it feel to lose him a week from now or a month from now or a year from now if those fears come to life? He deserves this chance. I don't want to mess it up for him.

"Remember when I ran from Cash and you asked me what if I was wrong and he wanted more than one night?" Riley waits for me to nod. "Well, what if you're wrong, Cami? What if you're hesitating because you're afraid of something that will never happen? The world is changing every day and curvy girls are everywhere. You're fucking hot and you're incredibly talented. You're blind to the way men look at you, but I see it."

I snort, pretty certain she's crazy. No one ever looks at me.

"You and Bentley look good together," she insists, "and you sound like you were meant to sing together. There are a lot of assholes in the world, but the world isn't made of only assholes. Maybe it's time you gave the world a second chance and stopped letting the assholes dictate what you deserve."

She's right. I know she is. I can't spend the rest of my life letting bullies decide my future. Sooner or later, I have to take a leap and hope for the best. I think now is that time.

"You're right," I say, exhaling a deep breath.

Riley claps like she's excited, which makes Tia throw her bottle to clap too. "Does this mean we can make an album now?"


Her face falls.

"That's not my dream anymore," I explain, smiling at her. Every emotion she feels is right there on

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