Her Dirty Bartenders (Men at Work #5) - Mika Lane Page 0,48

customer, either.”

Our burly doorman looked her up and down and nodded. “Sure thing, boss.”

Wow. We should have done that long ago.

I took the stairs back up two at a time, knowing people were waiting for their drinks. But both Maze and Cab had arrived and had already gotten to work keeping our customers’ thirst quenched.

“Did you guys come in the back door?” I asked.

“Yup. And we just heard about Annabel. Stell told us,” Cab said, nodding in her direction.

I scraped my hair back into the usual ponytail-bun I wore at work. “You’re lucky. You just missed her. She’s gone, guys. And good riddance.”

Stell shook her head, dumping the broken glass she’d swept up into the trash. “That woman is a mess. I feel for her.”

We looked at Stell. Leave it to her to remind us to look at someone like Annabel with compassion.

“You’re right, baby,” Maze said, giving her a kiss on the temple.

I watched to see how she’d react to being kissed in semi-public. Her eyes darted around the room, and when she realized that no one gave a shit, she popped him a kiss on the cheek.

That’s my girl.

“Hey, if you want to take a break, Stell. I’ve got things under control,” Maze said.

She wiped her hands on her apron. “Good idea. I think I’ll do that.”

Cab and I exchanged looks. “Want some company?”

Her eyes widened, and a slow smile crept across her face. “Yes. I would love some company.”

Maze laughed, and continued pouring champagne, while Cab took one of Stell’s hands, and I took the other.



I couldn’t lie. All the bumping and grinding at the party had gotten me hot and bothered. It was one sexy crowd we were hosting—both the men and the women.

And when Maze and Cab arrived, and I had all the guys right there in front of me, looking at me with desire, there was no holding back.

I had a hundred reasons to say no, and only one to say yes.

Plain and simple, I wanted them, and that was a good enough reason for me.

I wanted their hands all over my body like they had been the night before. In fact, I wanted it so badly I’d been thinking about it all day. I’d never felt so able to ask for what I wanted sexually and because of that I wanted everything.

I wanted it all and I wanted it now.

So much want.

I led the guys to the lounge area on the mezzanine, which was dark and quiet since the party we were hosting was confined to the Playroom.

The mezzanine was usually filled with the club’s high rollers who ordered bottle service and other obscenely overpriced things like cigars that they had to go outside to smoke. It was a see-and-be-seen kind of groove and because I was always working, I’d never had the chance to hang out there.

Not that anyone was inviting me, anyway.

But tonight I had free run of the club and wanted to take full advantage of it.

I looked over the mezzanine railing to the floor below. “It must be wild to be up here when the club’s in full swing. Music blaring, and you’re just looking down on all the sweaty, writhing bodies. Like a king looking down on his subjects.”

Cab’s hand wrapped around my waist from behind and he nuzzled my neck. “Or a queen looking down on her subjects.”

And my knees felt weak.

His hand slipped up over my blouse and he gripped one of my breasts. Robbie appeared on my right and turned me to brush his lips against mine.

I say brush, because he wasn’t exactly kissing me. He was teasing me. Like giving me a little taste of dinner before it was ready, when I was hungry as a starving animal.

“Baby, I want to taste your pussy,” Cab murmured in my ear.

Okay. I’d thought my knees were already weak, but now? I had to hold the mezzanine railing to keep from collapsing into a puddle of inarticulate, stark raving mad need.

“Come with me, darlin’,” Robbie said, leading me by the hand.

He and Cab took seats on the sofa, relaxing with their hands behind their heads.

I stood before them.

“What are you waiting for?” Robbie asked.

I pointed at myself. “Me? What do you mean?”

He rolled his eyes impatiently. “Undress.”

Oh. Gotcha.

The Playroom’s music drifted in our direction, inspiring me to swivel my hips while I unbuttoned the top of my blouse. I moved on to my jeans, leaving them partly open, just enough to show my panties.

“That’s what I’m talking

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