Her Dirty Bartenders (Men at Work #5) - Mika Lane Page 0,49

about,” Cab said, nodding.

I turned, and with my back to them, moved my hips in time to the music while I opened my blouse all the way. With a peek over my shoulder, I let the silky fabric slide down my back.

Robbie gave a low whistle, and he adjusted himself in his jeans.

I grabbed my blouse as it floated to the floor and tossed it in the guys’ direction. I don’t know who caught it because I’d already turned around and started unzipping my pants.

Inch by inch, I eased my tight jeans down and over my ass, keeping my silky thong in place. When my pants were all the way to the floor, I bent down to step out of them, making sure the guys got a good view of my ass and other goodies.

“Nice, baby,” Cab growled.

Wearing only my bra and panties, I danced up to the guys, first rubbing my breasts in their faces, then shaking my ass. I’d never felt so sexy. Beautiful. Powerful. Desired.

“Lie back,” Cab said, pointing at the coffee table in the middle of the room.

When I did, he pulled my thong down, tossed it aside, and pushed my knees far apart.

“Look at this pussy.”

Robbie ran a finger through my wet folds, then slipped it inside me, followed by another. Cab placed his tongue on my clit, circling it at first and then sucking until I was writhing.

Both of these gorgeous men were working me over like I’d never been. I was in heaven. Robbie pumped me faster, and an orgasm took over. My head thrashed back and forth on the table and my hips bucked into Cab’s mouth. I tried to keep my noise to a minimum, not wanting to attract unwanted attention.

Not sure how successful that was.

“Fuck, baby,” Cab said when he finally gave my clit a rest. “I’m gonna slide a rubber on, and then I want you to hurry up and come sit on top of me over there on that sofa.”

Who was I to argue?

Robbie helped me up, holding my hand as I wobbled over to Cab.

He hadn’t been kidding when he said he wanted me to hurry. Before I knew it, he had his pants around his knees and was holding his huge cock at the base, the perfect angle for entering me.

I placed a knee on either side of his hips and hovered my pussy above him. With my hands on either side of his beautiful face, I reached down and pressed my lips to his. Kissing him was deliciously familiar, and also new at the same time. It had been a lifetime ago that we’d been together. We were just kids.

Now we were older. More experienced.


I ran my fingers through my slit, opening myself for him, then lowered until he was halfway in.

“You okay, baby?” he asked.

“Yeah. Oh god, yeah,” I murmured into the crook of his neck.

He shifted his hips up and at the same time, lowered me until I was utterly impaled. I gripped his shoulders for purchase, digging my nails into him, and we moved together in a perfect rhythm. Robbie, who was behind me, pinched and pulled my nipples nearly to the point of causing me pain.

And I loved it.

“Come,” Cab demanded. “I want you to come first so I can fuck the shit out of you.”

I started moving a little faster. I reached down and fingered my clit, knowing that would push me over my edge. I didn’t have to work for long because his big dick,

stretching my walls to the limit, kicked off a vibrating hum spreading from my pussy to the ends of my four limbs. My spine arched involuntarily and I dropped my head back. I didn’t recognize the moans coming from my own throat, I was out of it as I came over and over.

When I was so spent I couldn’t move, I slumped forward onto Cab, who put his hands under my ass, picked me up, and lay me back on the sofa to change position. I turned to look at Robbie, who was stroking himself, and I pulled him to my mouth.

Meanwhile, Cab opened my legs and positioned himself between them. “Are you ready, baby?” he asked.

“I am, Cab. Fuck me. Hard.”

Before the words were completely out of my mouth, he’d rammed himself so deeply inside me I nearly flew off the sofa. I reached for Robbie, who I was sucking hard, for something to hold on to.

Cab drove into me again and again while

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