Her Dirty Bartenders (Men at Work #5) - Mika Lane Page 0,47

I knew, was that whatever she decided, we’d support her. What was best for her was best for us all. We weren’t about holding women back just because it suited our needs or desires.

“Robbie,” Stell called, gesturing me over, “why is Annabel here? Is she waitressing for the party?”

Oh, shit. She was always trouble and Maze was procrastinating on firing her.

She saw us looking at her and headed our way. “Hey, guys,” she said, tying on her apron.

“Annabel, I didn’t know you were working tonight. Is your name on the schedule?” I asked.

My mind was racing trying to think of a way to get rid of her. We didn’t really need waitresses for parties. If they were of a manageable enough size, folks could get their drinks at the small bar.

She smiled coyly. “Oh. Well, I wasn’t on the schedule. But Hayley asked me to swap shifts with her.”

Swap shifts, my ass. Hayley never gave up shifts, especially not for a private party, which was always lucrative for the staff.

I sighed. “How much did you pay her, Annabel?” I asked.

She put her hand on her chest. “What? Nothing. I didn’t pay her anything. She um... wanted to trade.” She turned on her heel and headed into the growing crowd.

I got behind the bar with Stell, and while I was annoyed as hell with Annabel, I was cheered by the woman next to me. And I wasn’t sure whether it was perfume or just nice lotion, but her scent was lovely and reminded me of last night.

My brain wasn’t the only thing remembering. I had to shift myself in my blue jeans to avoid ending up in agony.

Stell set up the glasses for a round of muddled drinks as I pulled out the herbs we needed.

“You look very pretty tonight, Stell,” I said.

She flashed her amazing smile. I wanted to kiss her lips so badly I wasn’t sure I could wait until the end of the night.

Thirty minutes later, the party was in full swing. The crowd was a good-looking one with the women dressed to kill and the men appreciating their efforts. The DJ got going and there was a lot of sexy gyrating on the dance floor. In one dark corner were two women and one man, clearly getting to know each other better. It wouldn’t be the first time a party in the Playroom was rated R.

Or even X.

An empty glass slammed onto the bar.

Both Stell and I snapped our heads in the direction of the noise. Trouble already?

Yup. But unfortunately, the trouble was not one of our guests. It was an employee.

Annabel. Because of course.

She gestured to the corner where the threesome was bumping and grinding. “That is disgusting. Are you going to let this sort of thing happen in your club?”

Stell grabbed the glass out of Annabel’s hands so she couldn't throw it. “They’re just kissing. Who gives a damn? If you don’t like it, Annabel, don’t look.”

Or better yet, go home.

Which I was inches away from telling her.

She screwed up her face in anger. “I wasn’t talking to you, bar girl.”

Stell rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh.

I loved that about her. Oh shit. Did I say love?

“Robbie, do you want it known that you have orgies here at Tableau?” she spat, her eyes bloodshot with indignation.

I took a deep breath to keep my calm. I doubted it was going to work, though.

“Annabel, maybe this isn’t the kind of party you should be working. Why don’t you head home? I think Stell and I can handle things from here.”

I didn’t bother telling her Maze would be here later. She’d never leave if she thought she might see him.

“Fuck you, Robbie,” she exploded.

She reached behind the bar, and threw a glass that barely missed Stell, who’d ducked just in time.



“What the…?” Stell hollered.

The psycho had really pissed me off now.

“Okay, Annabel,” I said, grabbing her arm and directing her toward the door, “you’re fired. It’s been a long time coming, and this is the last straw.”

But before I could get her out of the party, she turned to the crowd and screamed, “Whores!”

Most of the people ignored her, but a few turned their heads in her direction and laughed.

She struggled in my grip but was no match for me as I half-dragged her down the stairs and to the club’s front door. When we reached it, I pushed her outside.

“This woman doesn’t work here anymore,” I told the bouncer. “And she’s not welcome as a

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