Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,58

her heels and threw both bolts. Taking the papers to the kitchen table, he snapped on an overhead light and spread them out across the surface. “Tell me what happened. Everything.”

“Mattias invited me to an event, some gathering of dignitaries and other important people. We didn't stay too long because Natalia grew angry again and spilled wine on my dress. I got back to my room and found these in there.” Chey crossed her arms over her chest and watched him position each piece just so.

“She was angry because you were there with Mattias?” he asked, glancing over to meet her eyes.

Chey nodded. “She doesn't want me interacting on that personal of a level with him. With any of the Royals, I think.”

“Did she threaten you?”

“Not physically. She said she would have me thrown out if I spoke to her that way again. I got a little...testy...when she ordered me to leave.”

Sander looked back at the pictures, then pushed away from the table. Out of a deep pocket on the thigh of his pants, he fished out his phone. Moments later he was speaking quietly in his mother tongue, stalking through the living room.

Chey waited, watched. She wished, not for the first time, that she understood his language. And although the situation was serious, Chey couldn't help but admire the breadth of his shoulders under the shirt or the way his hips filled the pants out. He resembled a prowling lion pacing its cage.

Finally, after fifteen long minutes, he hung up. “My men put cameras in your room, so we might catch whoever keeps visiting. But they didn't get them activated before being called away for the event, so there's no evidence to look at, unfortunately. And because they were pulled off duty, no one was there watching your room in person. I gave them orders not to balk or argue, because right now, I'm not trying to alert too many people that I'm having you watched and followed.”

“I see. Just missed an opportunity, then. Could there be fingerprints on the papers, maybe some on my door? Would that even help?”

“There could be. I'll keep those with your permission and have them checked. My men are doing another search of your room right now to make sure no one stayed behind or planted anything, like they said they would.” He pushed the phone into his pocket and closed the distance.

“No, keep them. I don't mind. Do what you need to. I just hate that whoever this is, is not backing down.” Chey reached out to tentatively touch his arm.

He turned his hand over, skimmed it down her forearm, and caught her fingers in his. Bending his head, he brushed a quick but warm kiss on her lips.

“Don't worry. We're closing the net, little by little. They'll slip up, make a mistake, and we'll have them. It doesn't please me to know it could be Natalia or Viia, though. The person acting on their behalf probably thinks they'll be immune to prosecution if they just say it was one of the girls who hired them,” he said.

Chey breathed him in when he kissed her. The scent, his scent, was familiar and soothing. Already she attributed safety and security with Sander. He was well suited to his job.

“I know you are. I have every confidence you'll figure this out sooner than later. Tell me, though. What happens to Viia or Natalia if it turns out that they're behind this?” Taking initiative, Chey slid her arms around Sander's middle. She had to tilt her chin up to see his eyes due to height differences.

“Natalia will get reprimanded, of course. In private. The Royals will attempt to hide her involvement, especially considering she's been into trouble for her drinking. As far as Viia?” Sander arched a brow. “She's not a member of the family yet. Last I knew, Mattias hadn't proposed, which means she's not afforded the same protections as the others. I imagine Mattias will break it off with her, despite the Queen's inevitable protests.”

“Why would the Queen protest?”

“Helina has nurtured that relationship for a long time. She hand picked Viia for Mattias, so she'll do whatever it takes to try and hide any wrongdoing. Mattias, on the other hand, has higher standards than that, and will want to end their relationship. He's not all that fond of her from what I can tell. He's willing to do his duty by her and that's about it.”

“Yes, we had a little conversation about that

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