Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,59

at lunch. He mentioned that there are few if any real love matches between Royalty and their significant others.”

“He told you that?” Sander's eyes narrowed faintly.


“Sounds like he's pretty taken with you.”

“I don't know what he is, or isn't, to be honest. I pinned him down and asked him what he wanted from me. Initially, it was to take personal, private photos of Viia when she wasn't watching. Candid shots, like that. But he said it's mostly because I don't treat him like everyone else does. I guess I'm 'safe', if that makes sense. We're worlds apart culture wise, and I don't fawn over him like half the female population of Latvala does.” Chey wouldn't point out the sparks and attraction that sometimes flared up between her and Mattias. Not now, after the intimacy with Sander.

He studied her eyes, one hand flattening on the low of her back. “I'm guessing it was your looks that drew him to you at first and then your charming, blunt way of addressing the world.”

Chey had never considered herself a bombshell. Hearing Sander refer to her 'looks' that way made Chey want to run to a mirror and see what she was missing. It couldn't be her slightly crooked nose, plain dark hair, and what she considered average features. At five-nine, she wasn't short, but she also wasn't a statuesque runway model with forever legs and slinky limbs.

She felt more like an aggressive little terrier than a greyhound, apt to snarl and bite when threatened.

“Maybe it was the other way around,” she said, lifting her chin.

“Could have been. I'll still put money on your rack, though.”

“Sander!” She swatted his shoulder. So much for worrying about her facial features and hair. “Have your eyes even made it past my chest yet?”

“A few times.” He delivered his tease in a dry tone after chortling for the swat. “Your ass isn't bad, either.”

“You're an absolute rake.” Laughing despite her circumstances, she got on her tiptoes and kissed him.

Sander cupped the back of her head and held her there while he thoroughly explored her mouth. Breaking away, he stared down at her eyes and said, “So, you're not into him, then?”

She had a hard time refocusing her attention on the conversation. “Well, he is a Prince. And he's handsome, there's no denying that. I wouldn't be female—or alive at all—if I didn't realize what a catch he would make. But I also know I'm hundreds of miles out of his league, he has a girlfriend and I'm not sure his mother knows I exist even when I'm standing in the same room. Besides all that, I'm kind of into someone else at the moment.”

The first half of her explanation brought a funny look to Sander's features. Chey couldn't decide if he was wary, bemused or relieved. Maybe a little of all three.

“You wouldn't be the first girl to have dreams of becoming a Princess. There are women who would kill to have even five minutes of his undivided time. I'm pleased to hear of your distraction, though.” Sander delivered his reply with a wan smile.

“I think Mattias finds me a novelty more than anything. He has easy access to me in the castle, a new, different brain to pick to ease his boredom. I'd be shocked if he was even a little interested,” she confessed.

Before Sander could reply, a buzzing emitted from his pocket. “Just a second.” He stepped away after a quick kiss to her temple and dug his phone out.

Chey stepped over to sit on the arm of the sofa while he traded texts with whom she could only imagine were the rest of his security team.

“Any news?” she asked when he was done.

“Nothing we didn't already know. We'll see if they pull off any fingerprints but I'm pretty sure the person covered their tracks.” He slid the phone back into his pocket and strode past for the kitchen. On the way, he asked, “You want coffee or anything? I've informed the men that you're staying here tonight while they investigate. They'll pass it on to the other guards so no one raises an alarm when you don't return.”

“What will people say?” She rose off the couch and followed him to the kitchen. Taking up a spot at the counter, she slid onto a barstool and watched while he got a pot of coffee going. As ever, he was efficient and well practiced.

“That you're staying here for protection purposes. If they wonder anything else, then let

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