Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,57

the hall. At the top of the stairs, she cautioned herself to make sure no one was there. After a quick look around, seeing no one close by, she went down as quick as she dared to the main floor. From there she doubled back toward the kitchens and a rear exit, bypassing all the other security at the front of the castle due to the guests. There was security here, too, though none stopped her headlong rush through the bailey toward the back gate.

If they thought her eccentric, so be it. All Chey cared about was reaching the truck. At the stables, she found the vehicle sitting right where she'd left it. Once inside, she fired up the engine and spun the tires, tearing off into the night for the safety of Sander's cabin.

Chapter Eleven

The bright shaft of headlights speared the gloom as she sped into the clearing. Applying the brakes a little too hard, the truck skid the last five feet to a halt. Cutting the engine, Chey scrambled from the vehicle and jogged to the door of the cabin.

“Sander? It's Chey. Hello?” She rapped her knuckles against the wood, impatient. He was head of security overall, he was the one who should see the pictures first. When he didn't answer, she knocked again.


Stepping down the porch, she cupped her hand near her eyes and peered in the front window. She could see a small light had been left on in the kitchen and another in the living room, but that was all. There was no movement inside to indicate Sander was home. Damn. That wasn't a possibility she had considered during her flight from the castle. She just expected, at this time of night, that he would be home.

Now what? Should she wait? Go back to the castle? Sit in the truck? Was she safe out here without Sander close by? Questions crowded her mind. If she went back to the castle, to her bedroom, and someone was in there waiting, they might get to her before she could get to a phone or scream for help. Maybe she should find Urmas, or Allar. One or both men would be prowling the front half of the castle with the gathering of dignitaries.

Before she could make up her mind, the distant sound of an approaching engine echoed through the woods. That must be Sander. Had to be Sander.

What if it's the attacker, following you from the castle? What if they know Sander is busy elsewhere? The thought galvanized her into action. Jumping off the porch, she darted into the stand of trees adjacent to the cabin. Hiding behind a thick trunked tree, she waited to see who emerged from the darkness.

Headlights cut through the gloom, announcing the vehicle's approach. A rugged Jeep emerged from the same trail she'd driven down, and halted next to the truck. There was something unhurried about its progress that alarmed her.

She couldn't pinpoint why.

Your imagination is running away with itself. Stop it, she chided herself. Adding more fear onto the already tense situation would do her no good. A fighter by nature, Chey nevertheless knew when to be cautious. She was out of her element here, dealing with the unknown.

The door to the Jeep opened and a figure got out. Tall, muscular. Sander. Chey left the cover of the trees.


He looked away from the truck, which he'd been approaching, and faced her when he saw her running from the forest. “Chey, what the hell are you doing hiding in the trees?”

In the few seconds it took to reach him, she glimpsed his attire: green and black camouflage khakis, sage green shirt with sleeves pushed to his elbows, and lace up boots of black. Nothing unusual where Sander was concerned. He must have been out patrolling the grounds.

“Something happened. I found these when I got back to my room tonight.” Chey came to a stop right in front of him and held out the squares of paper she'd found on her bed. They crinkled in her shaking fingers.

“Got back from where—I can't see these in the dark. Are you all right?” Sander took the papers from her and guided her with his other hand to the cabin door.

“I'm all right. I just didn't know what else to do. I didn't think to check my room when I got back, and after I saw this lying on my bed, I just grabbed them and ran.” She stepped inside after he unlocked the door.

Sander entered on

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