Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,37

his cologne again, feel the heat of his skin. Hadn't she just been annoyed with him, deciding he was trying to seduce her and make her his mistress?

Mattias made a considering noise in the back of his throat and settled once more in his chair. He studied her contemplatively while he sipped his wine.

“I told you. I'm a terrible model.” Turning the camera off, she set it aside.

“Even you have to admit that the last one, with you smiling, is exemplary however.”

Chey couldn't deny it. He'd snapped a one in a million shot. “I'll give you that one. But it's not the majority, so I win.”

He smiled and set down his glass, fingers toying with the stem. “The dress is for tomorrow evening. We're hosting several important dignitaries. You'll accompany me as my date.”

. . .

She bobbled the wine glass while lifting it to her mouth. Saving herself the embarrassment of a spill, she gawked at Mattias. “What?”

He repeated himself. Slowly. “The dress is for tomorrow--”

“I heard you. Mattias, are you sure about that?” Chey set her glass down without remembering to take a drink.

“Why wouldn't I be?” He watched her like he didn't understand her shock.

Of course not. He was a Prince. Most women would jump at the chance just to have this lunch with him, much less be his date to anything.

Forced to pause when the waiter brought their lunch—sauteed scallions over filet minion, grilled zucchini and caesar salad—Chey considered what to say. Her usual way was to be blunt and honest, especially when she felt out of her depth. Like now.

She sliced off a delectable bite of the filet, then toyed with it on the end of her fork. Finally, she met his eyes. “What are you doing?”

“I'm about to eat. And I'm waiting to hear why you shouldn't accompany me tomorrow evening.” He lifted a brow and picked up his utensils.

Chey set down her fork and leaned a few inches forward. She took the proverbial bull by the horns. “What is Viia going to say?”

“Make no mistake, Miss Sinclair. I choose who I am escorting to what event, not Viia. She is not my wife, nor my keeper,” he informed her with a matter-of-fact, no nonsense tone.

Chey took several small bites of the food. It was as good as he'd promised it would be. Brow furrowed, she thought over what to say next. He'd effectively put her in her place about his position of power—Mattias could do any damn thing he wanted—and at the same time, indicated Viia's standing was not as solid as Viia would have everyone believe.

The threats from her attacker rolled through her mind. She was doing exactly what that person told her not to. What she should do, is confess about her head. She should explain the attack, lay out the details of the threats.

Yet what came out of her mouth wasn't what she expected to say.

“What are your intentions with me, Mattias?”

“To finish lunch, take you to the Royal Park after, and tomorrow night, attend the event with you.” He didn't hesitate to answer and watched her across the table the whole time.

“I think you know what I mean.”

He forked up a bite of salad, dabbed at the corner of his mouth with his napkin, then tossed it down before leaning back in his chair. Washing down the food with a swallow of wine, Mattias took his time answering her question.

“Are you asking whether I'm thinking of having an affair with you on the side? Because you're living in the castle, an easy 'target'?”

Unprepared for him to hit so close to the truth on the first try, Chey looked down at her plate.

“No. I'm not. It's not my style to seduce women in a clandestine way. If I'm going to seduce you, I'll just come out and do it,” he said.

“Good. I feel better knowing what's on your mind.” Even if he'd flustered her with his candor, Chey didn't regret her forward question. At least now she knew.

“I can understand why you'd think so. There's no denying the spark, hm? And your position puts you within easy reach.”

“Then why? This can't all be because of my job. I won't even be bringing the camera tomorrow night.” Chey knew instinctively that it would be taboo to snap shots at a formal function unless invited to do so.

“Because you're different than the women I'm usually subjected to. You speak your mind, you're candid, and you don't look at me like I'm a title

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