Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,38

instead of a person. Isn't that enough? I may be a Prince, Chey, but I'm also human and like to be treated as such.” He paused to take a drink. “Besides. I enjoy the way your eyes light up at all the new and different things. The jaded women I officially court lost that quality a long time ago. If they ever had it to begin with.”

“You almost make it sound like courting Viia is an act of tolerance.” Holding his eyes, she had another sip of wine. Mattias was nothing if not honest. At least about this.

“Choosing a woman who will bear the title of Princess is a tedious process. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. I admit that I am not enamored with any of it.” He smiled, a wry twist of his lips, and finished off his zucchini.

“Like your older brother, the one your mother tried to set up with someone else?” Chey recalled the mention of Dare and the mystery woman.

“Yes, except Dare has it ten times worse than I do,” Mattias said with a wry laugh. “He is considered one of the top ten bachelors in the world.”

“What a hardship.” Chey muttered the quip without thinking.

He laughed. “It can be. Imagine that everyone you meet wants you only for the title you'll provide them. Rarely is love, real love, involved in all this. We know it, our parents knew it, and our ancestors before that. Viia has an esteemed background, comes from a notable family, is well educated and because of her extensive family tree, is a good bet to bear several heirs. She is one of five children, and her aunts and uncles all have three to five children each. That's what they look for. It's not always a guarantee that offspring will be as fertile, but it's a better bet than choosing someone whose family has histories of miscarriages or trouble conceiving.”

Fascinated, Chey sliced off a few more bites of meat and scallions while she listened. “If I didn't know better, I'd say you were describing a brood mare.”

“Yes, it does sound like that, doesn't it?” His tone implied that it was exactly what Viia was being judged for.

“How do you live in a loveless marriage? And don't give me I do it for my country, bunk, either. There has to be more to it.” She watched him while she chewed. Mattias, Chey discovered, hid most of his reactions behind a casual veneer that was difficult to penetrate. Except when he laughed.

“Not just for my country, but for my lineage, my family. It's my duty to marry well.” Finishing his lunch, Mattias lounged in his seat with the last of his wine.

“I could never do it,” she confessed, picking at a last bite of salad. “I'm poor company when I'm miserable, and that sounds like a miserable life.”

“It's only as miserable as you make it.”

“Or as miserable as the other person makes you,” she countered.

“Does Viia seem that hateful, then?”

“Not hateful, exactly.” Chey didn't know the woman very well and had only seen a few interactions with her and everyone else. Then again, she could be biased thinking Viia might be the culprit of her attack.

“Then what?”

“I'm not really sure I'm in a position to say. I don't know her well.” Chey pushed her plate away and picked up her wine.

“You're thinking of that little dust up with Viia and Aurora.”


“Would you be surprised to know that it's typical in these circles? Most women want to be the one setting trends, to be looked up to and admired.”

“Probably not surprised, I guess. Actually—I really don't know how any of this works. This is my first time anywhere near Royalty.” Chey laughed, a quiet sound that didn't travel farther than their table. She finished her wine and set the glass down.

“You'll be more experienced than most at the end of your term with us,” Mattias said. He too finished his wine. “Would you like more wine? Dessert?”

“I suspect I will. Especially if I keep having lunch with Princes.” She smiled for her tease, then shook her head. “No, but thank you. This was excellent and I'm full.”

Mattias's eyes gleamed a moment. Then he pushed his chair back to stand and held her chair for her to do the same.

“On to the Royal Park. There are several things there I think you'll find interesting.”

Chapter Eight

As Mattias guessed, there were quite a few things Chey found interesting, not the least of

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