Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,36

smile. He looked entirely regal and masculine, and, on impulse, Chey snatched up her camera.

He didn't pose or posture; Mattias smiled indulgently when she lined him up in her sights. Slightly slouched in his chair, he gave off an air of capable command and alluring negligence.

When she lowered the camera, Mattias held out his hand.

Chey stared at it, confused at first over what he wanted her to do. Did he want to hold hands?

Laughing, as if he guessed her thoughts, he reached across and gently eased the camera from her fingers.

“I thought you said you were terrible with cameras?” she said, releasing the camera to his care.

“I am. Let's hope I don't drop it.”

“You're not very reassuring.”

Grinning, he lifted the camera and sighted her in. Chey always felt weirdly conspicuous when someone else took her picture. She noted that Mattias held the equipment with poise and confidence, not like someone who was uncomfortable with it.

“You're a fibber,” she accused.

He snapped off three photos, then peered at her over the top of the camera. “A what? I am not.”

“Yes. You've used one of those before. Extensively, if I had to guess.”

“Nonsense.” He lifted it and leaned to get a different angle of her face. “Smile.”

She quirked her mouth and laughed when he caught a picture of it. “Stop that. Give me my camera back.”

“I rather think I like this picture taking thing. One more.”

Chey flashed her teeth, because she knew that's what he was waiting for.

“Good, perfect.” He depressed the shutter and finally set her camera down on the chair next to him. “That wasn't hard, was it?”

“Yes. I'm not very photogenic.”

“What you are,” he said, cocking his chin. “Is modest. I bet all of those photos will flatter you.”

The waiter returned with their wine, pausing to pour each a glass before retreating.

“Shall we bet on it? I say I blinked in at least three, and have a funny expression in the rest.” She picked up her glass, brows lifted in challenge.

Mattias lifted his glass to scent the wine and give it a slow swirl. “You're on. What are we betting?”

“You tell me what the formal dress is for if I look dorky in the majority of the photos. If I don't, then you tell me what the formal dress is for anyway.”

“So this is something like...what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine, yes?” He swirled the wine once more, dark eyes glinting with amusement.

Chey laughed. “That's right. I can't lose.”

“Hardly a fair proposition. If you look decent in the photos, you agree to a horseback ride tomorrow afternoon.” This time it was Mattias who arched his brows in challenge.

Tomorrow she was supposed to go on the canoe trip with Sander. She really wanted to go, and didn't know how to get out of the suggestion of horse back riding.

“Can't do it. Something else.”

“Have a hot date?” he asked with an incisive look.

Chey felt her cheeks grow hot. “What? No. I've made plans though that involve work.”

“Horseback riding. Tomorrow afternoon.” Mattias didn't back down and didn't change his request.

Chey saw an opportunity and took it. “Are you sure that's wise? I mean, after the shooting?”

“The threat has been eliminated. We will be perfectly safe. Agreed?”

She couldn't go horseback riding tomorrow with Mattias. The canoe trip wasn't something she was willing to give up. All she could hope was that she looked as awkward in the photos as she usually did.

In the meantime, she wondered exactly what 'eliminated' meant.

“Agreed.” She lifted her glass to toast him and seal the deal.

He tapped the rim of his gently against her own, eyes holding hers. “To a long ride.”

Was that a euphemism for something else? Maybe he was really asking to meet her for a tryst. Panic settled in her chest.

“To...knowing what the formal gown is for.” She almost forgot what she'd bargained him with. Tapping glasses, she took a sip of the wine, finding it sweet and pleasant on the tongue.

Setting the wine glass down, she held her hand out for the camera. Time to find out who was right.

He picked it up and held it out.

Chey flipped the viewfinder around and scanned through the pictures, praying silently for the bet to swing in her favor.

“Ha! What did I tell you? Look there, blinking in two photos, a half blink in another two.” Triumphant, Chey leaned over to show him the viewfinder.

Mattias leaned as well, putting them almost shoulder to shoulder. Chey hated how potent he was this close. She could smell

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