The Healing Touch - Apryl Baker Page 0,52

to see him. How dangerous is he?”

“Very. He likes to use his fists.”

The low growl that sounded over the line could be heard by both women standing next to him.

“Hit their kid. It’s what made her leave. Sara’s a friend of mine. You bill me with the cost. She needs the help.”

“She can’t afford us?” Viktor asked.

“No, that’s why I’m paying. She’s a good friend.”

“Tell me she’s not one of your exes.”

“Fuck, no. I don’t mess around with married women.”

“You said it was her ex…”

“She filed for divorce…how long ago did you file?”

“Two weeks. He’s fighting it tooth and nail.”

“That her?” Viktor asked.

“Yeah. Can you send someone out here to help her? Her ex is harassing her, and she’s afraid he’ll try something. She has their daughter with her.”

“Yeah. I’ll get the first flight out.”

“You?” Dimitri asked, surprised.

“I won’t charge you a damn thing since she’s a friend, and I can’t abide a man hitting a woman or child. I won’t ask the other guys to work for free, either, so I’ll handle it myself. Should only take a few hours to get down there. I’ll book a hotel room and meet you and this woman for breakfast. Sound good?”

“Sounds great. Thanks, Vik.”

He didn’t even bother to say goodbye, just hung up on him. A bad habit of Viktor’s. He’d learned it from Conner.

“Looks like you’re going to get the services of the CEO himself.” Dimitri grinned, thinking about what Viktor was going to think of Sara. The man was always after his forever kind of love, searching and testing the waters on a regular basis. Sara Jane wasn’t his usual type, but he had this nagging feeling fireworks were going to soon explode. Romance writer’s instincts kicking in and shouting, “New book idea coming soon!”

“I appreciate it, baby doll. Thank you.”

Dimitri gave her a quick hug. “You set up yet?”

“Sure am. I’m way back there in the corner.” She pointed off to the side, snickering. “I swear someone hates me, sticking me back there where I can’t find an air vent. I’m going to burn up tomorrow.”

“Everyone loves you, doll.” Dimitri looked over the room, noticing it was really starting to fill up. Best to get this shit done and out of here quickly. “Hey, you wouldn’t know where we can get some good seafood, would you? I’ve been dying for fresh seafood since I got here.”

“It’s the Cali in him. He’s forgotten what it’s like to eat anything but fish.” Becca stood back to assess the table. She’d purposefully done it in tones of silver and blue, with lots of black to make it look sexy yet manly. None of his swag was too over the top, and the black jewelry boards showcased all the charms she’d ordered for him as well. It looked damn good.

“Wow.” Sara Jane came to stand beside her, ogling the table. “This is gorgeous. Where did you get the cloth banner?”

“Small shop on the south side of Chicago. I gave them the logo graphic, and they worked magic. I wanted this to be a table banner that didn’t cover the front but was draped over the middle of it instead. They did a great job.”

“You have to give me the name of the place. I’ve wanted one of these for a good year, but every place I tried, it didn’t come out right.”

“Sure. I’ll message you later.” She straightened the wooden rack to the right angle so the books were the first thing people would see when they entered the door.

“See? You wanted me to try to do this by myself?” Dimitri eyes widened in the most exaggerated way. “It would have looked nothing like this.”

“Hush, you would have suckered Sara into helping you out, and you know it.” She shoved him playfully, purposely keeping her back to the crowd. That was helping more than anything, but tomorrow? That had her nervous.

“I would have too. I’m a sucker for that smile.” Sara winked at Dimitri. “Now, seafood…Mom and I were going to try Hyman’s Seafood, but I got pulled into lunch with the girls. Now, I’m so tired, all I’m going to do is go order some takeout and relax until tomorrow.”

“Becca and I will check it out and let you know. Vik will be here in the morning and wanted to meet you at breakfast. That cool?”

“Yeah, as long as he doesn’t mind my six-year-old. I promised to take her out to breakfast in the morning.”

“That’s fine. You get some sleep and Copyright 2016 - 2024