The Healing Touch - Apryl Baker Page 0,53

stop worrying. Kincaid Security and Investigations will get you sorted. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

Becca watched him from beneath her lashes. Strangely, when it came to Sara, she felt not a twinge of jealousy. She never had. His other women were an entirely different matter. She’d hated them and on occasion had printed out a photo just to shred it. She’d been best buds with the little green monster for a long time.

“You ready, babe? Or do we need to do anything else?”

“I’m set. All you have to do is sign books when we get back to our room.”

“Our room?” Sara’s eyebrows did that wiggly thing, and Becca felt heat blooming onto her cheeks.

“I wasn’t supposed to come this weekend, and there were no more rooms available, so I got stuck bunking with the crybaby.”


“Yes, the crybaby who pitches a fit until he gets what he wants. What would you call it?”

“Temper tantrum.” Sara winked. “Delia does it all the time.”

“I swear. I can’t take you two anywhere without you trying to make fun of me. You, Sara Jane, get gone, and you and me,” he pointed at Becca, “we’re going to eat and talk.”

Sara laughed and started walking back toward her table. Becca’s nerves started to fray thinking about what Dimitri wanted to talk about. Not a discussion she wanted to have. He was going to tell her while he wanted to fuck her, that was all it would be. He didn’t do relationships. They could have fun, but it wouldn’t go past fuck buddies.

And, honestly, she might give in. She’d wanted him so badly for so long, and her body betrayed her every time he got close, so why fight him? It would hurt her like a train wreck, that was why, she told her subconscious. But it might be worth the heartache to have those memories.


Startled, she found herself surrounded by three guys, two of whom she knew. Models. The third one was a model as well, but she’d never chatted with him on Facebook before. Kyle Moore, Henry Dawl, and Mr. Biceps. Gorgeous eye candy, all three, but none of that mattered to her right this minute.

She took several steps backward to ward off the trapped, closed-in feeling. It didn’t prevent the tremors from starting, though, or the sweat from beading her forehead. A sick feeling began to churn in her stomach, and the walls felt a little tighter. Closed in.

“Hi, Henry, Kyle.” Three little words, but the hardest three she’d had to speak in years.

Henry rushed her, wrapping her in a hug, and she fought not to scream, not to choke on the lack of air getting into her lungs. This was too much, too much.

“We didn’t know you were coming, baby girl. You should have told us. We’d have taken you out for lunch.”

“Let me go,” she gasped, working and failing at stopping the panic from stomping her in the gut.

Henry let her go, confused. Concern replaced the confusion when he got a good look at her. “You okay, Becca?”

“Don’t fucking put your hands on her again.”

Dimitri looked ready to murder them, his eyes ice cold, and his entire body primed to fight. Becca struggled to pull air into her lungs. She knew he was going to hurt someone. Because of her.

“Chill, dude. We’re friends.”

“Don’t fucking care, dude.” He stepped over to where Becca stood and made her bend over a little, grabbing her purse off the table and digging until he found her inhaler. “She’s mine. Don’t touch her.”

“What-the-fuck-ever.” Henry ignored him and stepped closer. “What’s wrong with her?”

“None of your fucking business.” Dimitri’s entire tone went hard and as cold as the ice in his eyes.

Becca took several long pulls of air into her lungs once the inhaler started to work. She concentrated on the carpet and counted to twenty, scared Dimitri would explode before she could stop him.

“It’s okay. I’m fine.” She wheezed a bit, but there was no help for it.

“You are not fine, baby girl. What’s wrong?”

Becca closed her eyes then opened them when she heard the growl leave Dimitri. Henry had inched closer. “I am, promise. I’ll message you tonight and explain it, but I just need to get out of here right now.”

Henry didn’t look convinced but did move back when Dimitri pulled her to him and moved her quickly through the building and out to the Jeep. She was shaking so badly, it felt like her teeth were chattering. She could breathe, but barely, Copyright 2016 - 2024