The Healing Touch - Apryl Baker Page 0,51


“Or you need to learn to do it,” he grumbled.

“Nope. I’m doing all this.” She swept her hand at his table. “Your only job is the banners. Stop being a baby and get the shit done, D.”

“Someone’s not happy with you,” Sara whispered conspiratorially. “What did you do?”

“Kissed her.” He shrugged. People would know soon enough, including Becca.

Sara Jane grinned. “’Bout time you two figured it out.”

“Figured it out?” He watched her put the banner together and growled when she pulled it apart. “Why did you do that?”

“Becca said you needed to learn to do it, so you’re going to learn. As for your first question, I’m glad you figured out that the two of you are perfect for each other. I’ve known it for over a year, listening to you talk about each other.”

“It’s not that simple, Sara.” He kept a watchful eye on Becca as he lowered his voice. “I’m not the relationship kind of man, and she deserves that.”

“So, what? You’re just going to treat her like you do your other women, Dimitri? I thought better of you than that.”

The reproach in her voice was so like his mother’s he cringed. “No. I wouldn’t do that to her.”

“Then, what?”

“I don’t know. I just know I can’t get her out of my head. Maybe try the relationship thing for real? Go into it knowing something might come out of it besides amazing sex?”

“Make sure that’s what you really want, Dimitri, or you’ll hurt her. A hurt neither of you can come back from.”

“I know that, Sara.” He rolled his head, trying to ease some of the tension in the muscles, and changed the subject. He didn’t want to talk about what was going on with him and Becca before the two of them had a chance to discuss it. “What’s going on with you? You looked pissed earlier when you took that call. Your husband throwing a fit over you being here?”

She sighed like the world’s sorrows had landed at her feet. “That was Roger on the phone. He’s pissed I brought Delia with me. My mom’s here watching her, but he’s still mad. Said she doesn’t need to be around anything that promotes sex.”

“He’s fucking stupid.”

Her laugh came out hollow. “Well, considering I filed for divorce and a restraining order in the same breath, he’s doing everything he can to make my life a living hell right now.”

“Restraining order?” What had the fucker done?

“Yes.” Sara nodded. “Roger could be…abusive. He never touched Delia until three weeks ago when she didn’t put her toys away fast enough for him. He hit her, Dimitri. So hard it knocked one of her baby teeth out.”


“I slipped one of my sleeping pills into his dinner. Once he was out, I grabbed Delia and called my mom. She drove us to the ER. I filed the restraining order the next day. The judge took one look at Delia’s face and granted it. The only problem is Roger won’t leave us alone. He keeps harassing me, showing up and violating the order. He does it when there are no witnesses around and I can’t prove he’s violating the order. I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid he’s going to hurt us. It’s why I brought Delia with me to this. I don’t want her out of my sight.”

“My brother owns a security company. He can provide you with a bodyguard, help you catch this motherfucker in violation of the order, and get his ass thrown in jail.”

“I can’t really afford private security…”

“No, you need this, Sara. I’ll deal with the cost.”

“You will not deal with the cost.”

“Yes, buttercup, I will. No arguments. That fucker needs to be taken care of. No one hits a kid and gets away with it.”

“Let him do this for you.” Becca made them both jump when her quiet voice startled them. “Sorry, your whispering carried over to where I was. Your soon-to-be ex sounds dangerous, Sara Jane. Let Dimitri help you and your little girl.”

Sara looked torn, but Dimitri was pretty sure the thought of her daughter was what made her agree. “Okay, thank you.”

He pulled out his phone and called his brother for the second time today.

“Hey, brat. Something happen?”

“I’ve got another job for you. A friend of mine’s ex is causing her problems. Motherfucker needs to be put in his place, and she can’t catch him breaking the restraining order where there are witnesses around.”

“Yeah, the police’s hands are tied in those situations. Witnesses have Copyright 2016 - 2024