Gravity (Greenford #2) - Romeo Alexander Page 0,47

Caleb’s tongue and felt the brush of his stubble against his chin.

The familiarity was strong, and he found himself fascinated by it. The way Caleb gripped both his hip and the upper part of his thigh, somehow both possessive and sensual in the same hold. The way Caleb shivered when Samuel playfully nibbled on his bottom lip, drawing it in and sucking on it gently. And the cologne, that cologne that filled his nostrils and felt like it burrowed straight down to his groin where it ignited. It was no longer just leather and spice, but passion and utter need.

But there were differences, only a few, but enough to catch his interest as he straddled Caleb’s lap eagerly. For one, he didn’t remember the other man’s lap being quite as big, at least where his thighs were concerned as Sam’s legs squeezed on them from each side. Caleb had always been a broad-shouldered man, but there was more thickness and a definite strength to his arms that hadn’t always been there. Samuel wondered if the rest of him had grown a little more, and a thrill of discovery ran through him at the thought of seeing the hard planes and curves of the other man’s body.

Before he could do more than allow the thought the chance to flit across his mind, he felt himself moving. Then, his back was against the couch and he was pinned under Caleb’s weight. Samuel gave a soft laugh, letting his fingers curl into the short hairs at the back of the man’s neck. Caleb had learned early on, for all Samuel’s independence and hardheadedness, he was a man who enjoyed being dominated and taken advantage of, and taking advantage of their size difference was a quick way to get Samuel going.

“How do you feel? Better?” Caleb asked, voice a raw mixture of arousal and amazement.

Samuel hummed thoughtfully, wiggling so his body fit neatly beneath Caleb’s. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

“What? Me in those little shorts?” Caleb asked, smirking.

“Oh, God,” Samuel groaned. “Those shorts about undid me when I saw them. Fuck, you got big, and then you were in those shorts, and you were covered in sweat.”

“You hate being sweaty...or other people being sweaty.”

“Well, yeah. But there’s a difference between being sweaty and being hot and sweaty. And fuck me, you were looking hot and sweaty in those little things.”

“Fucking you was kind of my intention here.”

“Promise?” Samuel asked, pulling Caleb down before they could get distracted by their conversation even more.

Not that he necessarily minded. Their chemistry had always been at its best when they were throwing themselves into a heated moment of passion. Sex for them had been a way to avoid a fight, a difficult conversation, or really, just because they simply clicked when it came to taking their clothes off together. And it was nice to see that the time apart had done little to ruin that effect for them.

If anything, Samuel found himself hungrier than ever for the man who was pressing him down against the couch. They would have to eventually move to the bedroom, but his first priority was trying to get rid of as many barriers between them and the end result before they reached the bed.

The first item on that list was their clothes. Considering he was almost completely pinned under the other man, Samuel decided, quite happily, to work on getting Caleb’s clothes off first. He was thankful the other man had changed into a pair of loose lounge pants and a t-shirt after they’d really got into unpacking earlier, as it made getting his hands into the hem of the shirt and yanking it up so much easier than the form-fitting one Caleb had been wearing at the start of the night.

“Damn it,” Caleb muttered as the shirt came up over his head and got stuck.

The curse died into a low noise of pleasure as Samuel leaned forward to take advantage of the man’s predicament. He sank his teeth firmly into the junction between neck and shoulder, feeling the sudden twitch of muscle as Caleb groaned. It was one of the man’s weak points and one Samuel had always loved taking advantage of when he was riled up.

“You’re evil,” Caleb told him, finishing the job of taking his own shirt off and tossing it onto the living room floor.

Samuel was perfectly content with that description as he openly looked over Caleb’s body. Though he’d known Caleb had gotten Copyright 2016 - 2024