Gravity (Greenford #2) - Romeo Alexander Page 0,46

and then, I go through my things. Usually the storage, and pull out the stuff I have no reason to keep and I get rid of it.”

“Good habit.”

“Certainly makes keeping things clean easier. Less clutter, less mess.”

The conversation wasn’t quite the one Caleb had meant to have, but again, he accepted it as just part of dealing with Sam. He also knew that the conversation he’d been trying to have would have been a far more serious one. It was too easy to pull away from what he meant and keep it to himself, and in a flash, he realized it was just an example of clinging to old habits. It was exactly what he used to do when they were together in Portland.

“And I meant…” Caleb began. “That I’m also thankful you’re here with me.”

“Didn’t we go over this already?” Sam asked, looking genuinely confused.

Caleb chuckled, grabbing the man’s knee and shaking it. “How can you be one of the smartest, quickest people I know and yet somehow be so dumb sometimes?”

“It’s a gift. And why am I being both complimented and insulted at the same time?”

“I just meant, it’s been really nice, having you back in my life. And I don’t care what we’re doing, whether it’s going out for a few drinks and overdoing it. Dropping in for lunch or digging through all my unnecessary shit, I’m really glad to have you back around with me, and I didn’t realize how much I missed you, but now I do.”

The confusion and humor disappeared from Sam’s face as though wiped completely clean. For a moment, Caleb wondered if all his previous fears about going too far with Sam were grounded in reality. In their first relationship, Sam had been almost shy about affection, though very giving. It was the second time around that he had pulled back, wary and guarded, unwilling to dive too deep into the realm of intimacy.

Sam laid his hand over Caleb’s and gave a gentle squeeze. Which was the point when Caleb realized he’d let his hand rest there without thinking about it, as though it was something he did on a regular basis rather than something of significance.

“I’m glad,” Sam said softly. “It’s always nice to know you’re not the only one getting sentimental about reconnecting. I came to believe that you and I would never find a way to get along for more than a day or two. But here we are, spending day after day around one another, talking constantly, and we haven’t had one problem.”

“A sort of peace,” Caleb said.

“Or understanding,” Sam offered.

That made Caleb smile, feeling it soften his cheeks. “I like that...understanding. I think that works a lot better.”

The expression on Sam’s face shifted, his fingers tightening their grip ever so slightly over Caleb’s. There was a change in the air, and Caleb found himself focused on Sam as they sat in silence, staring across the small space separating them.

Their talk had been exactly the sort of thing Caleb had craved for so long from the other man. No grand, sweeping gesture proclaiming their love and adoration for the other. Just the two of them, close, holding hands and showing genuine if quiet appreciation for the other person and for what they shared.

And he knew what the change over Sam was as well. He’d seen that dark, smoldering light behind the man’s dark eyes before. The look was enough to light the fire in Caleb’s gut every time he was allowed to witness it. In moments like that, he could honestly believe there was no one else in the world but him who could make Caleb burn with passion, need and desire flashing in his eyes.

“Caleb,” Sam said softly, eyes widening as he too realized what was happening.

Yet never made a move to stop him when Caleb turned, pulling them together and into a deep kiss. In fact, Sam sighed contentedly against it, even as he pressed harder into the kiss, reaching out to grab Caleb’s shoulders instead. It wasn’t the first time they’d ever kissed so fervently, but the time that lay between sat like a gulf filled with the fire Caleb could feel rising in his chest.

As it filled him, Caleb spared a thought in gratitude for the inevitable pull of gravity.


His head swam as he felt Caleb pull him closer, practically into his lap. Samuel didn’t fight, going willingly, desperate to keep their lips pressed together. Their lips parted and he tasted the beer on Copyright 2016 - 2024