Gravity (Greenford #2) - Romeo Alexander Page 0,48

bigger over the past few years, it was something else entirely to see it on display. Even from his pinned position, he could see the work Caleb had put into his body. He was no expert, but there was obviously a greater amount of muscle than there had been the last time Samuel had seen him shirtless.

Which meant his hands were immediately and greedily all over every part of the man he could reach. Running his hands over the hard planes, he traced the faint lines where the muscles were the most accentuated. When Caleb arched his back, Samuel ran his hand down the middle of the man’s stomach, letting his fingertips play through the trail of hair that disappeared beneath the waistline of Caleb’s pants.

“Having fun down there?” Caleb asked wryly.

“You put it on display, and I’m going to look.”

“And touch.”

“Oh yeah.”

Caleb snorted, returning the favor by taking hold of Samuel’s shirt and pulling it up over his head to join his own on the floor. Before Samuel could do more than blink, Caleb was pressing their lips together once more.

Skin met skin as Caleb lowered himself, and Samuel gave a low gasp. Caleb wasn’t the biggest partner Samuel had ever been with, but there was absolutely no mistaking the man’s cock when it was hard and straining against his pants. Except instead of just the front of his lounge pants, it was pressed flush against Samuel’s crotch.

Another gasp fled from his lips as Caleb ground his hips, rubbing their cocks together. He gripped the other man, unsure if he was trying to bring Caleb closer or trying to find a place to hold tight to the man.

Rather than make up his mind, he pushed his hand between them and past the waistline of Caleb’s pants. A little thrill rippled through him when he realized the man wasn’t wearing underwear, his fingertips brushing against carefully shortened hair and then along the warm shaft of the other man’s cock.

Caleb didn’t hesitate, twisting himself so he could push his cock into Samuel’s hand. More than happy to oblige, Samuel wrapped his fingers around the girth, moaning into the kiss as he felt the warm, soft skin slide between his grip. He reveled in the feeling of the other man grinding against his grip, running his thumb over the leaking head and chuckling deep when he heard the groans it elicited.

The only reason he pulled his hand away at all was because Caleb drew back. Samuel’s disappointment faded when he saw the other man pushing at his pants, only to kick them off and leave him naked. For a moment, Samuel could only stare before he realized it was his chance to pull his own off.

Caleb spared him from having to do the work, however, quickly grabbing the waistband of Samuel’s pants and giving them a jerk. The motion undid the top button and yanked Samuel to one side so he was forced to prop himself up on the back of the couch again. Caleb grinned, putting his leg between Samuel’s knees and knocking them apart as he crouched down before him.

Samuel’s cock was only just free from the confines of his pants and underwear before Caleb’s mouth was over it. Samuel gave a low curse, shoving his fingers into the man’s short hair, curling against the back of his head. The warm grip of the man’s lips, and then his throat, descended over the length of his cock, sending jolt after jolt of pleasure through him.

As much fun as it was to feel, it was even more exciting to witness in real-time. Samuel couldn’t tear his eyes away from the show happening in his lap. Both men had always been fond of oral play, but it had always been Caleb’s personal favorite. That enthusiasm and passion for the skillset showed every time he wrapped his mouth around Samuel’s cock, and years later, that was still true.

“Jesus,” Samuel muttered, pushing up into the man’s mouth like he knew would drive him crazy. “You’re going to end this quick if you’re not careful.”

That warning didn’t seem to deter Caleb in the slightest, which didn’t surprise Samuel. Not that he was worried about it either, not when the man’s mouth was driving him crazy as it drove down again and again, sucking him deep. He groaned as his body tightened, knowing that warning Caleb wasn’t going to affect the outcome in the slightest. Well, and somewhere in his mind, he knew that the signs Copyright 2016 - 2024