The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,70

I know. It’s easy gettin’ swept up into all that shit and I can see how a lot of young people do, but, to be honest, it’s not for me. I like to talk a good game, but when it comes down to it, I like my simple daily routine. It’s really not my scene.”

“I know, Mikey. You’re not the partier you like to make everyone believe,” JJ accuses.

“What? What the hell are you talkin’ about? Who do I make believe that I’m a partier?” I laugh, arguing with her.


“I just bust on her ‘cause I know it pisses her off. Like I give a shit what she thinks.” I lay back on the recliner. The truth of the matter is, I care a hell of a lot about what she thinks. Luke is totally out of the loop and doesn’t get where we are going with this. I quickly change the subject. “Speaking of which, where is everyone?”

“They’re picking De up at the airport. Let’s head over so we’re there when she gets in,” JJ says excitedly.

“She’s not bringing that jerk off, is she?” I ask.

“Jeffrey? No. They’re kind of off and on lately. He’s not thrilled with her moving to Florida,” JJ answers.

“Good. I don’t like him anyway.” I catch JJ rolling her eyes.

“I wasn’t nuts about him either,” Luke adds while JJ shakes her head

Maria has a freshly baked cake sitting on the counter, and JJ warns us not to touch it, but it’s too hard for Luke and I to resist. As we’re halfway through, Maria, Lucca and Deanna enter the house. My stomach does this weird thing when I see her. I’ve been looking forward to the next few days.

“Hey, DeDe’s home!” I say excitedly, greeting her at the door as I pick her off the floor and squeeze her. My heart is rapidly pumping.

“Did you two eat my cake?” Maria asks sternly, spotting our empty plates.

“I told them it was for Thanksgiving,” JJ chimes in.

“It was two little pieces,” I add.

“It’s half the cake,” Maria answers.

“Yeah, Mom, we’ll have this gone by tomorrow. I hope you made more,” Luke says, laughing and piling the last forkful into his mouth.

Maria playfully hits us in the back of the head. “I have plenty. You don’t think I know you two by now… I hid the rest.”

After catching up for a while, Luke and JJ decide to go for a walk while Deanna and I hang out and watch TV. Both of our phones are being blown up with texts’ from our friends making plans for the evening. After all, it’s the night before Thanksgiving, the biggest night of the year to go out. Most of our friends are home from college, making plans to get together.

Everyone is meeting up at CJ’s later tonight. De and I are up for it, but we’re wondering how Luke and JJ are gonna feel about it. The last time they were there wasn’t a happy memory. If they’d rather do something else, I’m fine with that. It’s been a while since the four of us hung out together and I honestly don’t care what it is we’re doing, as long as we’re together.



It’s an unusually warm day for November so JJ and I decide to take advantage of it and walk down to the inlet. The waves crash along the beach, spraying water into the cool ocean air. We follow the long stretch of beach till it wraps around the brush of thick trees, sand and water, leading us to our secluded little section of beach that only we know. I spread out a blanket and throw another around us as we sit side-by-side, enjoying the quietness and view. It’s been too long since we’ve been here together.

I’ve been fidgeting around in my pocket for the last hour. I know I said I’d wait till Thanksgiving, but the timing feels right now.

“I’ve missed this place,” JJ says, breaking the silence.

“I’ve missed being with you in this place.”

“When was the last time you were here?”

“When I got out, I came here a lot by myself,” I answer quietly. She looks sad and that’s not what I want. I scoop her up in my arms, placing her on my lap. “But, it feels awesome being here with you now, more than ever.” I squeeze her tight and give her a kiss.

“Why is that?” she asks, holding my face between her hands as she kisses my mouth.

“Because this place is for special times Copyright 2016 - 2024