The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,69

make a difference if it’s now, or ten years from now. I’ll never stop loving her. It’ll always be her and I know she feels the same way. If we would have gone our separate ways after all of that mess and met other people during the time we were apart, it wouldn’t have been good if we ever ran into each other again over the years because the people in our lives would have been hurt. The first time I saw her after I got back, that night at the game, there was no denying how we felt. It didn’t matter that two years had passed. It could have been ten or twenty. Loving someone like that never leaves you, those feelings never go away.” I pause, staring at David, knowing he understands. “You know what I’m talking about.”

David doesn’t say a word. There’s nothing he can say, he knows exactly what I’m talking about.

I enforce my point. “David, you have a nice life now. You love Cheryl, right?” David nods, knowing where I’m going with this. “If you didn’t lose Olivia the way you did, if something drove the two of you apart that neither one of you had control over… If Olivia walked in this room right now, would you drop everything to be with her? Even though you are happy and care about Cheryl deeply, wouldn’t you do anything to have that one huge love back in your life, no matter who got hurt in the crossfire?” I look him in the eyes, hoping I didn’t go too far.

He pauses before answering and lets out a deep breath. “What can I say? You win. I had to try… you’re young.” He shrugs his shoulders. He knew it was pointless to delay the inevitable. After all, he had been with Olivia since they were almost the same age and I know David will never love anyone again the way he loved Olivia. He loves her just as much now as he did when he was nineteen.

“Really? You’re saying you’re okay with this?”

“Does it matter?” he asks sarcastically, smirking.

“You know it does,” I answer sincerely.

“I appreciate that.” David smiles, “Nobody can make her laugh and be happy the way you can. It’s been that way since you met.”

“I thought Thanksgiving was the perfect day since having her back in my life is what I am most thankful for. I promise David, I will never screw up with her again.”

“I know that.”



I arrive home Wednesday afternoon and am disappointed to find the house empty. I like walking in to everyone sitting around the table. I head over to JJ’s, figuring I have a chance of catching her and Luke there. I bump into David on his way out as I’m about to go inside.

“Hey, bud, how are ya?” he asks, patting me on the back. “Just get in?”

“I got in early this morning. I stopped by my dad’s before he heads out to spend the holiday with his girlfriend and her family.”

“So where’s this new girl of yours I’ve been hearing about?” David teases. “I hear you’ve been enjoying your time in LA.”

“She’s there. It’s been cool, but I was ready to come home.” I laugh.

“Man, I thought I was goin’ to get to meet someone famous.”

“You already did… me,” I say, slapping him on the back.

“Nice to see you haven’t changed, buddy,” he calls back, hurrying off to his car.

“Where you headin’, work?”

“Yeah, busy night, I’m runnin’ late. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. They’re inside.”

I walk into the family room to find the happy, little couple cuddled up on the couch watching TV. “Ah, look at this; all is right in the world again.” I tease. It’s nice to see them together like old times.

“Oh, wow! Look, Luke… Mr. Hollywood decides to grace us with his presence,” JJ jokes, jumping from the couch to give me a hug.

“Yeah, I figured I’d throw ya’s a bone and stop by,” I tease.

Luke punches my arm, and I lay back on the recliner, filling them in on my time in LA. “All joking aside, I’m tired of it. I’m ready to get back to my normal life. The party scene is crazy out there and she’s got a wild side to her, which I found kinda cool in the beginning, but its gettin’ old quick,” I say, talking about Lora Rae.

“Yeah, man, you need to stay away from that shit. You don’t want to get into trouble,” Luke tells me.

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