The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,71

to be shared by the two of us together,” I answer as I pull the perfectly wrapped, Tiffany-blue box from my pocket and place it into her hands.



“What is this?”

“You have to unwrap it.” Her eyes began to well up as she slowly unties the white satin ribbon from the box. “JJ, you are my whole world. Everything I am and want to be is because of you. I’ll love you always. Will you marry me?”

Her eyes flow with tears as she looks at the familiar, yet significantly altered, inscribed, platinum, diamond-laced band with the solitaire diamond I had added in the center.

“You know the answer to that question. It doesn’t even need to be asked. There is no other place for me than to be with you forever.” We kiss and I place the ring on her left hand. “Is this my ring?”

“Yeah. Mikey found it on the floor. I thought it was gone for good. He never told me he had found it. It was sitting on my bureau in an envelope at the condo.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Just like you,” I say, kissing her. “I brought it to Arizona with me. I took it to the Tiffany store out there and I had them add the solitaire. I wanted to give it back to you with a real proposal.”

“But we weren’t officially together when you left for Arizona.”

“Yeah, but you know what? I had already kissed you like three times by then. That feeling I get every time I kiss you is crazy. That just doesn’t happen… ever. So, when you find someone that makes you feel like that, well then, you have no choice except marrying them, just so you can feel it every day. There’s no way around it.” I shrug my shoulders.

“Really?” she says, changing her position and wrapping her legs around my waist so that she can face me. “Let me see.” She laughs and kisses me again. “Yep, you’re right. There’s no way around it.”

“Are you happy?”

“Very much.” She kisses me recklessly with her arms tightly around me, molding our bodies.

Her legs tighten around my waist and the movement of her body rocking over mine arouses me with desire. Her tongue traces my neck as her hands tear at my sweatshirt, flinging it over my head. She pushes me back and my blood pumps though my body as I let her take charge. Her tongue traces down my chest and stomach as her hands hastily push my sweatpants over my hips, past my knees. I free my legs from them as she continues caressing me with her mouth and hands, while I lose complete control.

“I want you so bad… right now,” I growl, watching her face form into a devilish grin as she continues to tease me with her tongue.

“Good,” she whispers as she seductively removes her own clothing, making me hotter by the second. She owns me and she knows it.

As soon as her body is exposed, my own hands begin to ravish her. She arches her back and sucks in a breath as my fingers touch her all over. She throws her head back and moans while I wrap one arm around her waist, flipping her onto her back as I now take control. “Tables turned,” I tease, sucking on her neck.

“Not really. This is exactly where I want you.” She squirms underneath me while she coaxes me inside her. She buries her hands in my hair, pulling my mouth hungrily to hers as she wraps her legs around my hips. I rock my body inside of her, getting lost in the feeling of being one with her.


After we privately celebrate our engagement alone, we’re excited to share the news with everyone else. She asks if anyone knows about my proposal and I tell her that I asked David last night, which earns me another kiss. I’d never do something that big without talking with him first, having his blessing is too important to me, and I know it’s important to her. I tell her how I was planning on waiting till Thanksgiving, but the timing felt right now.

“Mikey knows, and, I took De with me to Tiffany’s while we were in Arizona to get her opinion,” I admit.

“I can’t believe she didn’t tell me.” she sounds surprised.

“She wasn’t supposed to tell you. I’d kill her if she told you.” I laugh.

“It’s so beautiful.” She holds out her hand, admiring her ring as the sun and water bounce off the diamonds, making it Copyright 2016 - 2024