Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,20

said, a little frustrated as my emotions bubbled over. “There are too many obstacles. The gap between us is miles wide, our upbringings worlds apart. I don’t think I belong in your courts, any of your courts.”

“You haven’t seen our courts yet, Evie,” Baron disagreed.

“I don’t need to venture further into your courts to see the entire forest,” I said. “I’ve met enough Fae, including you and your knights.”

“You don’t like what you see?” Baron demanded, an edge to his voice.

“You sure you want to know what’s on my mind?” I nearly sneered.

“By all means.” He folded his arms, the picture of male arrogance. “You’re my future queen. I’ll always listen to your counsel.”

“I’m not your future queen, but I’ll be straight with all of you,” I said. “You’re Fae kings, who have ultimate power in your realm. And kings love to break things, which is also in your blood. When we were at the Veil, I learned that each of you has dark secrets and baggage from centuries ago. I don’t even want to peek into the iceberg of your dark issues to confirm if you’re already damaged men or not. Lots of women love broken men, thinking they can fix them. Maybe I’ve walked on the wild side once in a while, but I’m done with that now. I like an easy life and simple relationships. And you’re everything but simple men. None of you will ever change who you are for any woman. You aren’t even aware that you have many flaws.”

Rowan’s brows pinched, the air cooling. Rydstrom simply watched and waited for me to continue.

Baron narrowed his eyes, quick to challenge me. “What flaws?”

The kings thought they were flawless, divine beings, didn’t they? When the Summer King had strutted about my property the first time, he’d told Rowan that any female would feel thrilled to be allowed to suck his cock.

“Ready to hear a part of the list?” I snickered.

“As you wish,” Rowan said.

“You are all vain, possessive, arrogant, self-absorbed, cruel, ruthless, demanding, controlling, volatile, violent, insensitive, aggressive, and unreasonable.” I counted on my fingers to illustrate the extent of their shortcomings. “The list goes on and on. All three of you are dicks and the biggest alpha holes. Only a crazy idiot would want to entangle you between the sheets, and I’m not that kind of chick.”

Yet my heart still fluttered for them, and my sex clenched in aching need. I just worked harder than any woman to resist them, so I wouldn’t act on my horny impulses. Even so, I’d almost failed earlier when I was with the Summer King alone in the training room. I’d nearly gotten myself fucked to oblivion.

“According to your list, we have no merit at all,” Baron sneered after he got over his initial shock. Never had he thought he bore any imperfections or that I actually had a long list of them.

“Don’t get me wrong,” I said, spreading my arms. “All three of you are damn good-looking. I bet you’ve never lacked women in your beds.”

A sudden rush of jealousy and rage surged in me. I wanted to strike down their women and the kings as well for fucking them. I held back my snarl and schooled my face to a cold snicker while sweeping a dismissive hand toward them to indicate their perfect physiques.

“You have amazing abs that women drool over, but pretty isn’t everything, if you know what I mean.”

Rowan stared at me, frost coating his eyelashes, which indicated he wasn’t pleased with how I perceived him. “This isn’t the direction I expected this conversation to go,” he murmured drily.

Rydstrom laughed.

I scowled at him. “I wasn’t joking.”

A breeze chose that moment to blow in from the open windows, bringing in the scent of lemon, honeysuckle, and other blossoms. I inhaled, and the kings sniffed the air. Wild heat that had been lurking in the depths of their eyes arose and intensified. Their gazes brimmed with raw male needs, slamming into me.

My heart fluttered like wild wings. Around them, I was always aroused, but I really hoped they didn’t smell that again.

“So, uh,” I said, trying to distract them from my scent, but I was at a lost for words when they looked at me as if they wanted very much to lay me on the table and ravish me right there. “Uh, anyone need more wine?” I managed to pick up my thought.

Rydstrom had opened the bottle after my siblings left, and it was the best Copyright 2016 - 2024