Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,19

the pain and insecurity that flashed in their eyes proclaimed my failure.

“I’m still here,” I said softly and firmly. “And Mom and Dad will be back soon, as I promised.” I wouldn’t accept the other option. I’d get our parents back. “That’s why I recruited the help of all the men here today. Their teams are here to protect you since there are bad guys in the world, but they aren’t here just to give you things and satisfy your every whim. We already owe them a debt we might never be able to pay back. So stop being entitled brats and grow up before I have to knock some sense into your small, hard skulls!”

My siblings’ looks changed from worried to sullen, but their shoulders relaxed. Somehow my combination of harsh words and promises made them feel safer.

“Fine, Commander,” Cassidy said reluctantly and slumped back into his seat. “I’ll toss my list.”

“Don’t worry, young ones,” Baron said with a doting smile. “I’ll get you everything you want.”

My siblings’ eyes brightened again.

“Don’t you start, Baron,” I warned, glaring at him. “You’re a bad influence already, and I’m the authority figure in this household.”

“I apologize, my lady,” Baron offered quickly. “I didn’t mean to undermine your authority.” He grasped my hand and kissed my palm, his warm, sensual lips sending wild tingling all over me and conjuring up a carnal need.

I tried not to shiver with pleasure and fought to put on a stern look, especially since my siblings were watching. Then Rowan took my other hand, caressing my inner wrist with his thumb, knowing I liked the way he stroked me.

Rydstrom narrowed his eyes, shadows weaving behind his broad shoulders. My siblings shuddered and looked over their shoulders, instinctively feeling danger saturate the air. I glared at the Night King, and he eased back. The shadows and menace evaporated.

I drew my hands back from Baron and Rowan. “I want to finish the soup before it gets cold. I need my hands please, gentlemen.”

Rydstrom looked pleased that I broke free from the two kings.

“Kids,” he said in a velvety and firm voice. “We’ll take care of you and your sister. You have my word.”

My siblings nodded.

“We should each sponsor two younglings,” Rowan suggested, “and reduce the burdens on Evie.”

My siblings soon dove into an argument on which gentleman should sponsor them. Cassidy went with Baron—the devil he knew. The twins preferred Rowan, commenting that he was super cool. Safiya turned her new fascination toward Rydstrom.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. “Okay, children, you’re done with dinner. Go back to your rooms.”

“Come on, Evie,” Emmett grumbled. The rest of my siblings stared at me with mutiny in their eyes.

“Soldiers,” I barked, the edge of steel in my voice. “Leave the table and return to your upstairs stations. Do your homework and then retire to your bunkers! Any subordination won’t be tolerated, and you’ll also lose points with your sponsor!”

Still, none of them were quick to move. Safiya’s lips moved, and though I didn’t catch what she whispered, I could guess.

“Now!” I raised my voice, power rolling off my words. To make sure my siblings knew I was serious, I also pulled out the high-powered whistle.

They immediately slithered off their chairs and fled toward the stairs in a shuffle of feet, but not before they each grabbed a box of treats from the table.

Chapter 7

Now just the kings and I sat at the dining table.

Faint golden light shifted through the windows. My heart fluttered, my skin warmed, and my breath caught, responding to their proximity, their powers, their beauty, and their heated gazes.

Maybe I could get used to having all of them in my embrace. But then a sense of insecurity trickled in, coiling in my stomach as I studied the three powerful males around me.

They drew me in like the ocean calling the storm. The more I resisted, the harder I fell for them. Part of me said to go easy on myself and stop fighting the attraction so I wouldn’t drive myself mad. But I also knew that the kings were too feral, too powerful, and too hot for one woman to keep up with them.

And I had a family to consider. If they ruined me, my siblings would go down with me.

“What are you afraid of, Evelina?” Rydstrom asked, his voice like a dark song in my veins. “You know what you mean to us. Speak your mind.”

“Actually, I don’t know what I mean to you, to all of you,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024