Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,21

wine I’d ever tasted. I suspected that it might have come from his Night Court.

“Now that you’ve spoken what’s on your mind,” Rydstrom said, amusement dancing in his deep sapphire eyes, “Baron and Rowan can work on their issues.”

Rowan hissed out a stream of icy fog. “Speak for yourself, Night King. I don’t have issues. I’ve always respected Lady Evie. I’ve been a gentleman to my mate from the beginning.”

I arched an eyebrow. He hadn’t treated me so chivalrously before he believed I was his fated mate. He had been more than willing to go along with Baron’s shenanigans when his half-brother tried to compel me to perform a blowjob. He hadn’t protected me then. But it was pointless to recount the tales just to show them that I was quite petty and loved to hold a grudge. I was the kind of chick who might forgive, but I never forgot.

“Do not think for a fucking second that you’re better for Evie, Rydstrom,” Baron growled, annoyance and spite in his hard voice. “My mate likes me just fine.” He sent me a scorching, meaningful gaze, which hinted he was still replaying our shared intimate moments in the training room.

Heat rose in me, and my body wailed in frustration as I glued myself to my seat by sheer will instead of jumping one of the Fae kings. Getting laid isn’t everything, I hissed at my base body. Fucking the most powerful, formidable Fae of fairyland came with a cost, a cost I couldn’t afford or might not be willing to pay yet.

And damn the hottest, baddest Fae kings. I could barely handle one of them, and now with all three of them scorching me with pure male, animalistic lust, it was getting hard to keep my thoughts straight.

I stared back at them hard, ignoring the liquid fire tormenting the tender flesh between my thighs, ignoring the primal part of me urging me to climb onto their laps. My body wanted to ride each of them brutally and claim them for my own.

“Admit it, kings,” Rydstrom said, trying to breathe easily as he fought to control his lust. He leaned back on his chair, one ankle on his knee. “You two are slow to change. But the old ways no longer work. The world has shifted and the immortal realm is fading, faster than we’d like. Magic in Elfame grows weaker every day. If we want to survive as a Fae race, we need to adapt, and fast.”

I nodded. “That’s true. You all have to change. You can’t just take whatever you want when you want it. The new world and my generation won’t put up with that.”

I raised my chin. I wasn’t the kind of woman who just waited to be claimed per the old Fae law.

“Dimming my light isn’t going to brighten yours, Unseelie King.” Baron sneered at Rydstrom. “Bear in mind, I won’t rest until I have my mate in my arms for eternity.”

One moment they formed a joint task force, the next, they fought again. That was what happened and would always happen when you put three red-blooded alpha Fae males in the same room.

“You guys talk about change, but nothing has changed.” I set down my wineglass a little harder than I meant to, and the glass clinked against the wooden table.

The next second, Rowan grasped my hand between his large ones and brought my palm to his icy lips. Shivers of pleasure radiated to my nerve endings.

“I’ll change for you, Evelina,” he murmured. “You know I’ll do anything for you.”

“Of course I can change,” Baron chimed in sharply. “In fact, I’ve changed a lot for you, my Evie. You’re worth it.”

I almost rolled my eyes at him. The Summer King would say anything to get into my pants. Well, all the kings had been gunning for that. Rydstrom had achieved that in the fantasy realm, and he now wanted me even more in the real world. I hadn’t had a chance to confront him about that yet. I would, eventually. I was only delaying it, for fear that the confrontation would end up with an explosive, passionate mating again.

“We’re running out of time,” Rydstrom said, and his sapphire gaze that held the mystery of midnight dreams and danger fell on me, caressing my every inch. I shuddered. “We can’t afford to court you for months anymore, Eve,” he continued, a warning edge and regret in his rich voice. “I understand your hesitation to move quickly with Copyright 2016 - 2024