Fractured Ties by Bethany-Kris Page 0,68

day, and then proceeded to taunt me with it until I was able to get back here? Yes, I know.”

Maya’s shoulders dropped. “Oh.”

Kolya jerked his chin upward. “Go to bed. I want to clean off and then I’ll join you.”

“I don’t think so.”

Now that he was here—back with her where she needed and wanted him to be—the very last thing she wanted to do was let him out of her sights again. She really just wanted to touch him; to hold him, and hide away from the rest of the world for a few moments. Because when it was just her and Kolya, nothing and no one else seemed to matter. Nothing could break through that wall he was able to put up to barricade them from reality.

He was her safe place.

Or so she was learning.

Yeah, she just wanted to be close to him.

Hug him.


“Maya, please don’t argue with me. I had a long day, and a worse night. I only want to be here with you, and—”

That was all she needed to hear.

Maya lurched forward and slammed into Kolya without thinking about it. Her arms wrapped around him as much as they could—which wasn’t even enough to circle his entire frame, but fuck her if she didn’t try. Kolya let out a quiet sound when her body impacted with his, and it took him a beat or two in time before he reacted to her sudden move.

But when he did …

God, when he did, it was wonderful. He rested one large arm across the back of her shoulders and his other hand came to tangle in her hair. She felt his head dip down so that he could press a kiss to the top of her forehead that lingered and sent shivers cascading over every part of her that it could reach.

She stayed right there.

Just like that.

Holding on so damn tight to him.

He didn’t make her move, either.

Quietly, Kolya murmured against the top of her head, “Everything will be fine.”

“Will it?”

Her words were muffled against his bare chest, but he still seemed to hear it all the same.

“Da. There’s nothing to be worried about. I’ll handle it.”

“He threatened me, you know. Your father, I mean. Maybe not in so many words, but what he didn’t say … it felt just as important as the things he did. And nothing he said was very well-intended.”

She felt him stiffen, but still, he said, “It’ll be fine.”

“I don’t think it will be.”

Something inside just told her … this would not end well.


“How can you keep me safe—really safe? And it’s not just about me; it’s you, too. It’s you, too, Kolya.”

In a blink, he’d pulled away from her. He dropped to his knees right there, though his hands grabbed tight to either side of her face and stared up at her. Although, he didn’t have to look up very far like this.

She was so fucking short.

Him, way too tall.

“I will always keep you safe,” he murmured. “I don’t have a choice. I did not wait this long to find you just to let you go. It’s not about me, Maya. Nothing—not even myself—will ever be as important to me as you are. Not now.”

His words were not exactly I love you.

They were, however, the closest thing to it without actually saying the words and maybe … she thought … even better than it, too. For now, anyway.

Just this was enough to terrify her and overwhelm her all at the same time. If this was his idea of baby steps when it came to falling in love with a woman, then his strides were quite wide.

Not that she didn’t like it. She did. Probably too much. That was also part of the problem.

“You don’t even know me,” she whispered.

Kolya shrugged. “I know all the things that matter to me; I will learn the rest, yes?” When she didn’t respond right away, he grinned and raised his brows. Asking again, “Yes? It’s always your choice, Maya.”

He was right there.

Next to taking her—which in the end, had probably been the very best thing to ever happen to her—every choice between them was always left for her to decide. He never stepped in to force something on her, or make her do anything she didn’t actually want to do.

She adored him for that, really.

Amongst many things.

Maya drew in a shaky breath and nodded. “Yes.”

“Good—that’s my dushka, hmm?”

“According to you.”

Kolya chuckled. “And I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Scaring you yesterday—last night, I imagine.”

Maya’s first inclination was to deny it, simply Copyright 2016 - 2024