Fractured Ties by Bethany-Kris Page 0,67

down at Sumerki, who had still yet to move from his spot. “If you get in my way, Maya, with my son, or otherwise … it will not end well for you, girl.”

“How could I possibly get in your way with those things?”

She didn’t even know him.

Never sought him out.

Vadim laughed darkly. “Catalyst, remember?” He pointed a finger at her again as he moved away from the window and crossed the room, only stopping in front of Sumerki. “My son—he has many expectations and rules to follow. Most of which, I don’t even think you have the first clue of. While right now, he is behaving … should that change, then so will my responses to his actions. Do not be the reason that I have to make a choice that will bring you harm and him pain.”

Silently, Vadim leaned down just enough to attempt to pet Sumerki. The dog snapped back quickly, and nipped the man’s fingers. Vadim was quick to pull his hand back out of harm’s way, but not without flinching.

“He’s less cute now,” Vadim murmured before heading for the door. Over his shoulder, he said to Maya, “And should you be wondering where Kolya is today, or why he isn’t back, or why he won’t be back until at least tomorrow … it’s because I have sent him on a wild goose chase. See, there is really only one person in this world who pulls Kolya’s strings, girl, and I promise it isn’t you. I am always the one in control, even if you may think differently. Remember it.”

• • •

Maya blinked awake at the sound of a door clicking shut. The noise was quiet, but not quiet enough for a woman who had been on edge ever since a certain man’s father had left her hotel room. How she’d even managed to fall asleep—although it was closing in on two in the morning before she finally did—was anyone’s fucking guess.

The haze lingering from her sleep was quickly blinked away as she sat up in the hotel bed and tried to find where the unknown noise had come from. Soon enough, Maya realized it was the bathroom door.

She’d opened it before bed. It was now closed and a small sliver of light spilled out from the crack at the bottom of the door. If that wasn’t a good enough clue, the fact that Sumerki had climbed down from the bed—a feat he was still scared of doing alone—and had now perched himself in front of the bathroom door would have done the trick for her.

Kolya was back.


Maya rolled over and checked the clock on the bedside table. It told her it was only five in the morning, which explained why she was still so goddamn tired. The time also meant Kolya had been gone for an entire day—or just about. He’d left the morning before after getting a phone call, and had told her practically nothing.

Vadim had given her more information, frankly.

Maya climbed out of the bed when she heard a low curse come from inside the bathroom. The water turned on before she even reached the door. She rapped two knuckles against the wood as she glanced down at Sumerki, who was staring up at her like he was two seconds away from falling over and going back to sleep.

Poor dog.

He really had missed his human.

“What?” came the angry grumble from inside the bathroom.

Maya frowned. “Can I come in?”



“Go back to sleep—it’s too early for you, dushka.”

Maya huffed. “It’s been a whole day. You didn’t even call. The least you could do is let me come in and see you.”

Silence echoed for a whole three seconds before she heard heavy footsteps cross the bathroom. Then the door was abruptly swung wide open with no warning. Kolya stood just beyond the threshold in nothing but black slacks. Even his feet were bare. Behind him, she saw a puddle of ruined, bloody clothing on the floor.

She might have overlooked those things, but she couldn’t pretend like his raw, sore-looking knuckles weren’t a cause for concern. Never mind his hostile disposition.

Maya blinked. “What happened?”


Her gaze darted back to him. “Is nothing also why your knuckles are bruised and bloody?”

Kolya didn’t even try to hide his hands at her question. “Possibly.”


He sighed. “I got angry, yeah? Bad things happen when I get angry.”

Like the fucking Hulk, or something.

“Do you know—”

“That my father sent me on a fucking impossible task just to keep me away from you for an entire Copyright 2016 - 2024