Fractured Ties by Bethany-Kris Page 0,66

at Maya as he drifted across the room to stand in front of the large window overlooking the busy city street down below. “How does he treat you—well?”

How did he treat—

“Stop looking at me as though I’m stupid,” Vadim barked at her, “and answer my question.”


“He treats me how he treats me,” Maya settled on saying.

Which, yes, Kolya treated her far better than just “well,” but no, she was not going to offer that information to Vadim. Something told her that she shouldn’t. He had not shown up here to be pleasant or to have a kind conversation with a woman his son was clearly interested in. She didn’t take Vadim to be the type, frankly.

“I suppose anything would be a step up from your father and brother.” Vadim shrugged one shoulder and turned to stare out the window again. “They didn’t treat you well at all, girl. Heavy-handed and sharp-tongued, I think. Your brother’s favorite pet name for you was whore, and your father, bitch. Which, who am I to say, may have been appropriate—I tend to favor my girl over my boys, though. She actually knows how to listen.”

Something clenched tight around Maya’s heart. Painful and swift. It took the damn breath right out of her lungs, but somehow, she managed to keep her calm facade. But that’s all it was. A show. Inside, her fear was growing.

Vadim knew entirely too much about her. She hadn’t even told Kolya those things.

“They weren’t kind to me,” she said quietly.

Vadim glanced over his shoulder, but there was no sympathy or empathy in his hard stare. “Challenges like those tend to make or break a person—either way, you tend to come out better for it, no? Some even need that kind of treatment. Maybe you were one of them.”

“I doubt it.”

The man only shrugged and went back to staring out the window. The silence dragged on for long enough that Maya considered asking Vadim what in the fuck he wanted with her, but his next statement stopped her from saying anything at all.

“Two of my men are dead and a third is now missing,” Vadim said in barely a murmur. She could see the way his shoulders tensed as he talked, but his posture remained rigid. “You know about the other two, don’t you? You were there at the Compound. The third was taken last night, from his favorite club, while his girlfriend was getting him another drink from the bar. The second man who was taken—my Captain—was returned to me … or parts of him.”

Maya shuddered.

Vadim continued on unaware of her plight, saying, “Your brother, however, was not returned. I suspect that’s because they know I don’t give a single fuck about him or his remains. I expect the third will be killed before the night is out because the Albanians don’t tend to wait when they have decided on something. Perhaps this time, I’ll get more than my man’s cock and hands back when they decide to send him to me through the fucking courier.”

Oh, God.

That sick feeling growing in Maya’s stomach had become progressively heavier, until she felt as though she might lose her lunch. She could have done without the mental visuals now running rampant through her already overactive imagination.

She didn’t think Vadim cared.

“I didn’t kill those men,” Maya said quietly.

She knew better than to mention the little fact that her brother wasn’t actually dead. She hadn’t been so lost to her panic that day in the Compound that she hadn’t heard the conversation between Kolya and Konstantin.

Vadim turned to face Maya, then, and it seemed his face had reverted back to that cold, expressionless wasteland of nothingness. She thought that was even more terrifying than his rage, maybe. One could not tell when he was going to snap like this.

“What does that have to do with me?” Maya asked.

“That’s what I am trying to figure out,” Vadim said, eyeing her in that unnerving way of his. “You may not be the exact reason why this or that happened, but you were a catalyst to it. Think of it as … the man who orders the gun is just as guilty as the one who pulls the trigger.”

Maya swallowed hard. “But I didn’t order—”

“Mmm, not important. Quiet for a moment and listen. I assure you that it will serve you far more than running your pretty mouth. Besides, I only care for a woman’s mouth to move when I have ordered it to.” Vadim sighed and peered Copyright 2016 - 2024