Fractured Ties by Bethany-Kris Page 0,69

because she didn’t want him to be upset over the fact she had been upset. She settled on the truth instead. “It did scare me.”

“It won’t happen again.”

She doubted that.

He was who he was.

This life was what it was.

She fully believed it would happen again—she simply hoped he would apologize each time it happened. Therein lied the difference.

Kolya was quick to rise from the floor, but not before he pressed a fast and fleeting kiss to her lips on the way up with one of his sexy winks. It was not nearly enough for Maya. It felt more like he’d dangled the promise of something more in front of her very eyes, and then taken it away before she could even try to reach for it.

Maya couldn’t have that.

She fast closed the distance between them and kissed him in a way she hoped made it clear what she wanted—him—and when she wanted it—now. Kolya didn’t hesitate to kiss her back, and if his husky laughter were any indication, he got her unspoken demand well enough.

The bathroom door was slammed shut a second before Kolya shoved her against it. The force was enough to make her spine ache. Yet, she barely felt it at all. How could she, when her attention was spread thin between the way he was kissing her, his hand slipping between her thighs? His palm cupped and stroke her sex, and his other hand that had thrust its way into her hair grabbed tight.

“Fucking made this easy on me, didn’t you?” he asked as his mouth grazed along her chin, letting the pressure of his palm and the tips of his fingers tease her. “Wearing my shirt and no panties. Easy.”

Maya gasped, and tipped her head back to the door when that teasing mouth of his traveled over her throat. He always found the right spots—tasted, bit, and drove her so fucking crazy with just his fingers and mouth alone.

She was hot all over.

Burning up already.

Wanting more.

And entirely unashamed about it.

Her pussy made a wet sucking sound when his fingers finally—finally—slipped inside. Kolya grunted out a low curse in Russian against her throat. He curled his fingers hard against her inner walls in a fast, sure way that had her shaking in just a few strokes.

“So fucking wet, dushka,” she heard him say. “Tell me what you want from me—use your words.”

How was she supposed to talk like this?


All it took was Kolya’s hand sliding down from her hair to circle her throat. He squeezed just enough to make her breath catch, and forced her gaze up to his. The words slipped out easy then—it was hard for her to deny him anything when he looked at her like this.

“I want to come,” she whispered, “and then I want you to fuck me.”

Something burned in his gaze.

Something violent, and vicious, and cold.

Something unique to Kolya that only came out to play, she thought, when his control was all but gone.

It should scare her.

It only turned her on.

Because even when he looked lost, he was never truly gone with her. She knew that much—it was the only thing she was sure of.

“Please,” Maya added quietly.

That did it.

Kolya’s mouth slammed down on hers with a brutal kiss—one that showed her no mercy, even when her lungs screamed for air and her bottom lip stung when his teeth cut into the soft flesh. If nothing else, it was a promise of what was yet to come.

And good God … she couldn’t wait.

The sensations mixing together of his kiss, his hand on her throat, and the one working between her thighs were just all too much. It came together in a tidal wave of bliss and crashed down on her quickly. She couldn’t breathe when she was being dragged under the current of an orgasm that all but blinded her, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care.

His fingers were still stuffed in her pussy.

His lips still on hers.

A hand on her throat.

What did the rest matter?

His hands only left her body long enough for her to hear the snap of a button and the hiss of a zipper. She didn’t even hear his slacks shuffle before she found herself lifted against the door. One of his hands was back on her throat at the same time she felt him heavy between her thighs. And fuck, when he finally slid inside her, the world went black for a brief moment.

All senses gone.

All rationale disappeared.

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