Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,30

obvious distress, scooted closer and put his arm around Jake’s shoulders.

“You’re not a terrible person. Sounds like you’re overwhelmed. But you gotta have help, right? Someone’s watching her when you go to work and after school?”

“Yeah, of course. I have a great person. It just wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

“Well, my daddy used to say, ‘One thing about life you can count on is not knowing what’s gonna happen next.’ ”

The leaves rustled in the trees, and the occasional hoot of an owl mingled with the other night sounds. Jake settled into his side, and it was peaceful sitting there in the dark with him. He played with the ends of Jake’s hair.

“Was that guy at the bar an ex-boyfriend?”

“Guess you could call him that. He and I got close when my father got sick, and he was there for me. It was really more like friends with benefits, but I let it go on too long, even knowing Toby had caught feelin’s.”

“But not you.”

“No. Not me.” His fingers tangled in Jake’s hair, and his lips hovered by Jake’s ear. “Especially now.” He let the tip of his tongue lick around the shell of Jake’s ear, and Jake shook beneath him.

Jake tilted his head so his mouth met Shea’s, and they fell into each other. Shea pushed his tongue past Jake’s lips, licking at the smoky bite of whiskey, then sucked hard, drawing out a groan of pleasure so deep from Jake, Shea knew he’d remember it for years. He nipped at Jake’s mouth, their tongues dancing and rubbing in a wet, silken slide.

Jake broke away, breathing heavily, and captured Shea’s face between the palms of his hands. “Come to my room?”

As much as he wanted to, Shea still hesitated. “I don’t ever do this. Never.”

“I don’t either. Be with me, please. Give me something to remember.”

And before he could think of another reason to say no, Jake covered Shea’s mouth with his, and his tentative, almost hesitant kisses were way sexier and a hell of a lot more erotic than the down-and-dirty fucking Shea’d gotten used to.

“Okay, c’mon, we’ll go ’round the back.”

They hit the steps at full speed, and Shea led Jake through the rear of the ranch house, stopping briefly to steal a kiss or two. Jake’s room was at the end of the hall, and Shea unlocked the outer door.

“Here we are.”

Jake slid the card key in the door, and the lock clicked. He pushed the door open, and in the overhead light, Shea saw the vulnerability in his taut face and wide eyes.

“I can still leave if you want. I’ll understand.”

Jake grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. “No way.” He kissed him hard and deep, molding his body to Shea’s. It was a kiss of passion and longing, hunger and need. “I want you.”

Together they staggered into the room and fell on the bed, lips clinging, hands roaming. The only sounds were zippers unzipping and boots and sneakers falling to the floor. Naked except for their briefs, they stretched out on the bed, and Shea reached up to touch Jake’s face, dragging his fingertips across the sharp line of his jaw.

“How’s it possible I barely know you, yet I’m gonna miss you so damn much when you’re gone?”

“Don’t think about that now.” Jake hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his briefs and peeled them off. “Don’t think about anything. Just feel.” He took Shea’s hand and put it on his cock. It felt warm and alive, and Shea wrapped his hand around it. “Feel me.”

Shea rid himself of his underwear as well and gripped them both. Slow strokes, to make it last. To give Jake pleasure. He rocked his hips into Jake’s and passed his thumb over the sticky heads of their cocks, rubbing with the right amount of pressure, picking up more precome to ease the up-and-down slide. Jake’s intent green gaze captured his, and Shea moved faster, his free hand cupping Jake’s chin.


Their lips met and tongues parried and thrust in rhythm to their rolling hips. Shea’s rigid cock slid along Jake’s, the delicious friction sending his heart careening wildly out of control.

“Shea,” Jake breathed against his mouth, “Oh God, Shea.”

“You feel it too?”

He wanted more time, but without any warning, his climax roared through him, and Shea choked back a scream of pleasure, covering Jake’s mouth with his own. Jake dug his fingers into Shea’s biceps, slammed his hips into Shea’s, and came. Hot, sticky fluid sprayed over their Copyright 2016 - 2024