Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,31

stomachs and chests, and Shea hooked his leg over Jake’s hip.

The tip of Jake’s nose brushed his.

“I changed my mind.”

A chill rippled through Shea. “About?”

Jake closed his eyes. “You can take me to the airport tomorrow.”

Shea slapped Jake’s ass and kissed his neck, nipping at the damp skin, then soothed it with a soft kiss. “Can I now? Guess I better get some sleep.” He tried to sit up, but Jake held on to him.

“Don’t go. Please?”

Something painful twisted in Shea’s chest, knowing this time tomorrow he’d be alone again.

“You want me to stay?”

“Yeah.” Jake smiled into the pillow. “I want you to stay.”

Chapter Eight

For the third time in as many weeks, Jake found himself thinking of the Forget Me Not ranch. And the cowboy Shea Montgomery in particular. But aside from a few “Hey, how’re you doing” texts, he didn’t have the time to spend on a man who lived so far away. Not that Shea had indicated he was looking to spend more time with him anyway.

They’d shared a sweet good-bye kiss at the airport. “If I ever get a modeling job in New York City, I’ll make sure to look you up.”

And that was that.

Except it wasn’t.

It had been his first time naked with a man after Brian. The first taste of a passion so explosive, Jake still awoke with the phantom weight of Shea’s arms around him and the taste of Shea’s kisses on his lips. The attraction between them blazed so bright and quick, Jake thought he’d feel guilty as hell, but he didn’t. It felt as natural as his heartbeat.

Jake shook his head at his foolishness. He had no time to waste on long-distance dreams. The interest Stacey had shown in the pictures and stories he’d brought back from the ranch had encouraged him further that they should get a pet, and after discussing it with her therapist, today after work, he, Stacey, and Terry were going to the animal rescue to get Stacey an emotional-support dog.

Since leaving school for the summer vacation, Terry and Stacey visited the zoo twice a week so Stacey could play with the animals in the petting area. Jake had also enrolled Stacey in therapeutic horseback riding lessons, all highly encouraged by her doctors.

He recalled Dr. Aggarwal, Stacey’s psychologist, explaining, “Animals have a unique ability people don’t. They give unconditional love. Whatever trauma Stacey suffered, being surrounded by animals who offer her comfort might make it easier for her to face it. Many children feel they can whisper their secrets to their pet, rather than tell their parents.”

“What secrets could she have?” It tore Jake apart, thinking she was suffering and he didn’t know why.

“That’s what we have to find out, Jake.”

In a situation where he had no control, that bit of information gave Jake something to hold on to.

“Hey, Jake.” Oliver stuck his head inside his office. “What’re you doing this weekend? Melissa and I are having a barbecue. Why don’t you and Stacey come?”

“I don’t know…” He glanced at their picture, taken in happier times, when her smile beamed as bright as summer sunshine.

“Come on. It’ll be good for her to spend time with other people. Melissa is dying to see you all, and Sean and Carli will be fine with Stacey. She’s our goddaughter. Let us spoil her.”

“Can I bring the dog? Assuming we get one today.”

“Dude, does a fish swim? The kids have been nagging us for a puppy. I’m all for it, but Melissa isn’t so sure. This will be a good test.” Oliver came into the office and closed the door behind him. “As for Stacey? You can’t shield her forever. Sooner or later you’ll get back the little girl she once was, but in the meantime, hiding her away isn’t helping her.” Oliver’s brows pulled together. “Or you.”

Jake scowled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that ever since the retreat, you’ve been more withdrawn than ever. You used to at least sometimes come to lunch with us. We’ve given up trying to get you to come out during the week.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“You have to do something. You’re sitting here or at home, withering away. The only time I saw you a little bit like your old self was at the ranch. Specifically, with that cowboy.” Settling in against the door, Oliver crossed his arms. “You two were pretty friendly from what I remember.”

There was little he enjoyed less than talking about his personal life. “Don’t get so comfortable. I Copyright 2016 - 2024