Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,29

words, Jake stepped away from him and returned to the table to sit with his friends. None too gently, he took Toby by the elbow and led him to the end of the bar.

“What’re you doin’?” He scowled at Toby, who smiled at him. “I told you we were finished. Why can’t you leave me alone?”

“Because you used me.”

“Toby, I told you right from the start I wasn’t lookin’ for a boyfriend. I never lied to you.”

“You never pushed me away neither. Like the other night—”

“I was drunk off my ass. If anythin’, you took advantage of me.” Shea smacked his hand on the bar, and Dusty set the box he was carrying to the kitchen on top of the bar next to him.

“Okay, now, both of you quiet yourselves. Shea, you know my feelings.”

“Of course I do. You’re his brother. I expect you to stand up for Toby.”

“Not quite,” Dusty said, surprising Shea. “Toby, you know Shea never promised you nothin’. He’s an honorable man. Confused, but honorable.”

“I think there’s a compliment in there somewhere,” Shea grumbled, then tipped his head toward Toby. “I apologize for not makin’ myself clearer, but it’s over between us.” Toby pouted, and though he looked cute, Shea wasn’t falling for it. His brief time with Jake had woken him up to how good being with someone you truly connected with could be. “I’m really done, Toby. Don’t be coming over to me, tryin’ to start trouble by insinuatin’ things that aren’t true. I don’t ever intend to get drunk enough for a repeat of what happened, and you shouldn’t take advantage of me neither.”


“Toby, quit it,” Dusty cut him off. “Shea’s letting you down easy and bein’ a gentleman. Don’t act the fool. Walk away with your dignity and find yourself someone who wants you. ’Cause it ain’t never gonna be Shea.”

Toby hung his head. “I’m sorry.”

“We’re still friends. That’s never gonna change. I’ll never forget you bein’ there for me when I needed you.” He hugged Toby. “Be good to yourself.”

Toby raised his gaze from the floor and held his head high. “I will. I don’t wanna be second best.” He gestured toward the table of ranch guests. “Are you two together?”

“Toby,” Dusty said with a warning glare.

“I didn’t mean nothin’ except to ask. I’m not tryin’ to butt in. Just that he keeps starin’ over here but pretending like he’s not.”

Shea glanced over, and sure enough, he caught Jake eyeing him, then quickly looking away. With Jake leaving tomorrow, tonight would be the last shot for them to see what, if anything, they could do about the crazy surge of electricity between them every time they came near each other.

“He leaves tomorrow.”

On the ride home, Jake chose to go with his friends in the pickup Craig and Johnny drove. Shea drove the rest of the Precision people, arriving several minutes after them. Upon arrival, most of the people went to bed, but Shea noticed Jake disappear into the kitchen. He followed and watched his tall shadow slip out onto the back porch, where he leaned against a post at the top of the steps to stare out into the darkness.

“Nothin’ ventured, nothin’ gained, as Daddy loved to say,” Shea muttered to himself and followed Jake. He stood on the opposite side of the stairs. “Nice night.”

“Yeah.” Jake didn’t even glance his way.

“What time’s your flight tomorrow morning?”

“Around nine.”

“I can drive you to the airport.”

“It’s fine. I’ve arranged a car. I don’t want to take you away from your duties and get you in trouble.”

“Jake, it’s okay. Really.”

“No, not really.” With a sigh, Jake sat on the top step and propped his chin in his hands. “Did you ever wish things could be different?”

Shea sat by Jake’s side. “Depends on how you define different.”

“I’m thinking that before I came, I resented the time away from my child. I didn’t want to be here. I hate leaving her with a babysitter.”

“Lotsa parents I know feel like that. You shouldn’t feel guilty.”

“I don’t.” Jake huffed his impatience. “That’s the problem. Tonight I’m sitting here with all this peace and quiet around me, and I don’t want to go home. I’m so tired of being the bad guy at work and then coming home and being the sole support…” He sucked in a harsh breath. “What kind of a terrible father am I that I wish I could hide away here and not go home?”

He dropped his head in his hands, and Shea, hating Jake’s Copyright 2016 - 2024