Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,28

an arm around his shoulder. “Don’t worry none. Toby probably won’t even be there, and the place’ll be packed. Jumpin’ Jezebel is playin’, and they always draw a big crowd.”

He huffed out a sigh of relief. “You’re right. I’m too uptight about it.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Craig snickered and elbowed him, before turning serious. “Enjoy yourself tonight. If that means flirtin’ and dancin’ with Jake, so be it. Live a little. Your daddy woulda wanted to see you happy.”

* * *

Later that night, he dropped into the vacant chair next to Jake, who raised a brow. “Sure you want to sit there? I wouldn’t want you to be sorry for that too.”

Shea’s face heated, but he’d never run from a problem and wasn’t about to start now. “Can I apologize again? I’ll keep doin’ it until you listen to me.”

Jake tipped his head. “You can sit. And I’ll listen.”

Grateful for the second chance, Shea hitched his seat closer. “Look, I can’t say I haven’t been a little messed up in the head lately, but that’s got nothin’ to do with you. And after the first night when you had a little too much to drink and things sorta happened, it confused me even more.”

“Happened?” Jake’s dark brows pulled together. “What do you mean?”

“You don’t remember?”

“Obviously not,” Jake said, impatience creeping into his voice. “Did I do something?”

“You kissed me.” Shea lowered his voice. “I didn’t even know you were gay. And I thought you were still married then, so I pushed you away.”

Twin spots of color appeared on Jake’s suntanned face. “Shit. I’m sorry. That was really wrong of me. I really lost it that night.” His gaze met Shea’s. “I’m sorry I put you in that position.”

“ ’S’okay. I kinda got the feelin’ you don’t do that too often, and anyway”—Shea paused, the corners of his mouth rising—“you were a pretty cute drunk.”

“Christ.” Jake shook his head in disgust. “No wonder you’re pissed at me.”

“Nah, not really. More at myself.” Shea decided to go for it. Jake was leaving, and Shea had nothing to lose. “Then this morning by the lake…dammit. I felt somethin’ between us, but you’re a guest.” He rubbed his nape. “It’s not right. But I didn’t like leavin’ it with bad blood between us.”

Jake’s pale-green eyes gleamed like shimmering water. “So let’s forget it. Put it behind us and start new?” He held out a hand. “Hi. I’m Jake Axelrod.”

“Howdy, Mr. Axelrod.” Relief made Shea giddy. “I’m Shea Montgomery.”

“Hello, cowboy.”

They grasped hands at the moment a line dance started playing, and Shea tugged him as Craig and Johnny urged the rest of the table to join in the dancing.

“C’mon and dance. Last chance to let loose before you gotta go home and face the real world.”

Was he mistaken about the clouds in Jake’s eyes? Was it simply the lousy lighting inside the Round Up?

Jake seemed hesitant. “I have no idea what to do. I’m going to look stupid.”

Shea gave his hand a squeeze. “Darlin’, I’ve already seen you passed-out drunk and rescued you from drowning. It’d be hard to top that.”

“Idiot.” But Jake stood, and together they joined the rest of the group, where Shea, along with Craig and Johnny, taught them all the steps. Soon the wooden floors were banging, and everyone was whooping and laughing. Shea grabbed Jake, who let down his guard enough to hold on to his shoulders, and feeling reckless, Shea swooped in to give Jake a brief kiss.

Jake’s eyes sparkled. “That was nice.” His eyes widened. “Uh, do you owe someone money? Because a guy is heading this way, and he looks like he wants to beat one or both of us up.”

Keeping a hand on Jake, Shea glanced over his shoulder, and his heart sank. Toby, with the look of an enraged bull, was storming across the bar. “I know him. Someone who doesn’t understand the word ‘no.’ I’ll take care of it.”

Toby planted himself in front of Shea. “What’s going on?”

The time had come. “Looks like I’m dancing. Toby, this is Jake Axelrod. He’s at the ranch.”

Toby’s gaze flickered briefly to Jake, who, being the intelligent man he was, remained silent, merely nodding his head at the introduction. Toby ignored him.

“You’re bringing your new boyfriends to throw in my face? After everything I helped you with?”

“Toby, c’mon. Simmer down. We’ve had this talk plenty. We haven’t been together.”

Toby’s eyes narrowed. “We were together enough the other night for you to kiss me.”

Shea’s heart sank when at those Copyright 2016 - 2024