Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,49

back in your rabbit hole right now.” I felt my mother draw closer to me.

“I have no intention to go without what you have stolen from me. You will suffer and be tortured, until I get your powers, Elizabeth. You won’t eat, you won’t sleep, and I will enjoy watching you all of eternity dying over and over and over again.” He said with a grin.

“Either you leave now or you will be falling into your rabbit hole, then spending eternity dying from embarrassment.” I said as I felt the heat rising higher in my body.

“We shall see.” He said seriously. His eyes became darker as he turned to face me.

“So be, let’s get this shit over with!” I screamed at him.

With that my father stood beside my mother and we raised our fire balls and cast them at the Dark Lord. He waved them off and we kept throwing them. My mother however, stood between us watching the Dark Lord and staring hard. What the hell is her problem? Why is she not helping us?

The Dark Lord waved his hand and slammed my father into the wall behind us. He was stronger than I expected. My father got up in a daze and took his place. The Dark Lord threw a black fire ball, catching me off guard and slamming me into the door frame.

The pain was horrible and I knew that he broke a few bones. I felt the blood pouring down the back of my sweaty shirt.

As I tried to get to my feet, to save my parents, something happened while I stood there watching the Dark Lord. My mother was holding her shimmering ball of light, just playing with it in her hands, while staring at the Dark Lord. Then I saw it, he squinted.

My mother heaved it at him and hit him on the arm. He screamed out in anger cursing my mother. As he brought up his arm I could see the damage that was caused. It had turned to ash. I knew what we needed to do, in order to defeat the Dark Lord.

I walked up to stand next to my mother and she grabbed my hand. “Are you ready, Elizabeth?” she asked gently.

“Yes, yes I am,” I said with a tiny smile. I looked the Dark Lord square in the eyes and concentrated on my white light.

The white light that healed my father, I knew it was there. I felt it, but usually only in the presence of my mother.

Holding my mother’s hand I felt her light go through my body and wrap around me. She continued to smile gently, as she was wrapped in our white light as well.

The Dark Lord tried to cast black flames at us, but he could not aim directly for our light was blinding him. I watched as he kept trying and trying but, failing miserably.

Then the most amazing thing happened. Twenty beautiful people enter the room through the burning walls, there long white dresses flowing freely behind them.

They positioned themselves behind me and my mother. Their beautiful, feathery, white wings extended behind them. They cast their white light out at the Dark Lord. The light was so bright, I was having a hard time seeing myself.

The leader of the group looked very familiar and I realized who it was. Julie was standing proudly, shinning away. Now, I understood completely. My mother and Julie were angels and they are my protectors.

My mother was never a witch and it was a cover up all along. My father knew what she was and the Dark Lord did, too. I just don’t think the Dark Lord knew, that she knew, she was an Angel. Guess again.

With the light blindingly bright the Dark Lord screamed in agony. I watched as he fell backwards in his rabbit hole. I told him he would fall and I know he will be spending eternity being embarrassed because he was defeated by Angels.

I am half demon and half Angel. I can kill or I can heal. As fast as the twenty angels appeared they quickly disappeared, only Julie stayed behind.

The house was caving in all around us, from the fire that the Dark Lord had brought with him. The walls were crumbling and the roof was starting to cave in. The floors were ablaze as well. We had to get out or we were all going to die.

I had my father help me get Landon on his feet even though he was not even Copyright 2016 - 2024