Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,50

conscience and we headed for the door. Thank goodness, this had all went down in our living room, closer to the main door entryway.

My ribs felt broken and I know my father was in just as much pain as me. We got outside and laid Landon down. I grabbed a hold my father and Landon and concentrated on healing them both. My father, except from black ash, looked brand new and made over.

I felt ten times better and I felt renewed. Landon slowly opened his eyes and set up a little. I started crying and hugged him with everything I had in me, kissing him all over his face.

“I was scared I lost you,” I said with a happy heart.

“Ooooo but you didn’t, I did lose my powers though. I am normal as normal can get, but I will always be demon. Can you handle that, Elizabeth?” he asked with a look of concern.

“Oh Landon, I wouldn’t care if you were that damn rabbit. The one Alice went down the hole to catch up with. I still and always will love you,” I said crying and laughing at the same time.

Chapter 32

Julie and my mother stood close behind us. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Julie while standing up, feeling hurt.

“Because Elizabeth, I was your protector. I looked after you and when I felt that you guys were preparing. I started preparing as well. Your mother and I have been trying to help change your father for years. We were trying to help break the curse and we knew you could break it!” Julie said wearing her long flowing white dress. Her white feathery wings were still extending out from her body and she was absolutely gorgeous.

“So I am half demon and half Angel?” I asked in awe and a little shocked.

“Yes, Elizabeth, you are.” She said with a grin.

“So, then why was I lied to about my mother being a witch?” I asked.

“Your father told you that because he knew that you wouldn’t believe you were an Angel. You didn’t bring him back from the Underworld, from just summoning him, but you brought him back with your faith. You defeated the Dark Lord as well with that same faith that has now made your family whole.” Julie was intrigued with all my questions.

“I understand I really do. Thank you so much for believing in me and helping me figure out who I was.”

We stood together now watching our mansion burn. A mansion that was built because of the deal, that my long time ago great grandfather, made with the devil. The curse that he bestowed on our family, in the 1800s, had indeed been broken.

I looked over at Julie, but she was nowhere to be seen. She had disappeared into thin air. I instead turn to face my mother.

“Will this mean that because I killed Lucas that I am truly a demon? And will I always have to look over my shoulder, waiting for someone to steal my powers?”

My mother stood contemplating for a few minutes. “You are more demon, then you are Angel, Elizabeth, but you do have that extra power to ward off your enemies. You need to use it for good not bad. I know you will make us proud regardless.

“They will hunt you though because the demon powers you possess are extremely strong. Most know that if they can get it then they will be undefeatable. However, they were not banking on you knowing how to use your light of good doings.” My mother looked past me as tears formed in her eyes.

She watched as our home went up in flames. I looked at my father whom was crying silently and asked him, “Are you ok?”

My father looked at me with the most brilliant smile on his face! “Yes, yes I am. We can finally live the life that I have always dreamed of and not in that damned house, being a product of a curse.”

He engulfed me in a hug and we stood there and watched it burn. My car, our possessions, everything we owned, was dying in the fire that blazed before us. I was not sad though and I knew we would be ok.

I noticed something then, falling out of the sky. I watched as it fluttered to the ground and I slowly walked over and picked it up.

Landon was behind me, “What is that?”

I picked it up and looked at it as my smile grew wider. “Well, it is the Copyright 2016 - 2024